iOS Version 2.10.0 Discussion and Feedback

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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Please post your iOS version 2.10.0 feedback here!

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD and follow the guidelines in the first post.


New member
May 18, 2012
CBW is not my table. El Dorado is a graphic overdosis that could be avoided if they added schadows. Definetly not going to buy this pack but I hope it will please some fans of these tables.


Jul 9, 2012
Loving CBW!!! There have been several virtual iterations of this table released (including one by Microsoft about a decade ago) but this is the first one that really plays close to the real table. Great Job! (Playing on an iPad 3 with iOS 7)


New member
Jun 16, 2012
CBW is not my table. El Dorado is a graphic overdosis that could be avoided if they added schadows. Definetly not going to buy this pack but I hope it will please some fans of these tables.

My thoughts exactly. On PC with PP enabled it is playable, but on iOS, with its flat "ligthing", it just looks like a mess...
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New member
Sep 28, 2012
I didn't know either of tables and when I first saw the table I thought them uninspiring but actually I find myself playing both of them a lot and enjoy them. They are fun tables! Just but El Dorado, because of the color and table feature, it's not easy to see and looks unfortunately, very cheap like some 99cent game. Please add some shadow or contrast to help gain the sense of depth of the field. It doesn't have to be dynamic. Genie is nicely done (personally I want a touch more degree but). CBW looks very nice...except the ball..(if there's a good solution to this, CV's ball also could use it, too!) This pack is not really excited one but it's a good one when you want to change the mood.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
El Dorado City of Gold has such bad art & sound. It makes me feel car sick. I sooo wish it was the Target Alpha version instead. But it still can't stop this classic layout from being a top notch player. Perfectly placed drops and flippers keep me playing just one more game. And how can you not restart after leaving that one last target standing there just mocking you? Ed Krynski was an evil genius. And the speed and feel is spot on, thanks to FarSight for getting it right. Really enjoying this one. My time spent playing Big Shot will suffer because of this one.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I wasn't a big fan of El Dorado in the Gottlieb Collection, but this plays very well.

Not a bad pack, but I'm looking forward to some more Bally and Williams tables.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Is it just me or:

- Is it impossible to get the StandardGoal "Sweet spot" ticked off in CBW? I have hit the lit sweet spot, and saw some animation, about 4 times without the goal being ticked off. Could anyone verify this?
- 1M on one ball on ElDorado seemed like a new Genie3M-goal but I got it ticked off when I was on about 980'000 on Ball 1 but on my second ball (due to Extra ball). I would have guessed it would only count one ball, but maybe it was a bug. Perhaps it used the bonus to calculate it to 1M. Anyway, it seems like a bug but could anyone verify this as well?

CueballWizard is the best Gottlieb so far. ElDorade is cute but quite boring, better than most Gottliebs though. All in all my comment to this pack is "Pretty decent for a double Gottlieb release!".


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Ball rolling sound on El dorado is noticble for lack of BGM. That sound is used on other tables as well and it is TERRIBLE. Noto only it sounds so unrealistic it's too obvious a sample is just endlessly looping. Maybe simulating a real time rolling sound would be too expensive and impractical but then you could still find or create a lot more convincing sound sample than this! I said this before and forum people didnt seem to much care about it then but it should be better than current sample.

A good thing is, El dorado's center post is effective and wish I could replace the one in Pinbot and WW ;)


Feb 21, 2012
After an iPad1, 2 then mini, I've finally got retina goodness with the new Mini. The option for post processing is there in options but after enabling it, when next going into the menu, it's off again. I don't know if it is a bug again? I thought I read in the description somewhere it mentioned PP being fixed.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Is it just me or:

- Is it impossible to get the StandardGoal "Sweet spot" ticked off in CBW? I have hit the lit sweet spot, and saw some animation, about 4 times without the goal being ticked off. Could anyone verify this?

I'm getting the same issue. It even shows the little animation 'breaking the table' then a mess of jumbled up numbers. Anyone else think this is a waste of time to keep trying? It's pissin me off, cause I want those wizard goals.
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