Jason Juneau and Bobby King Interview


Staff member
May 8, 2012

How many people are typically involved in making a table for*Pinball Arcade?

Juneau:*Lets see, 4 artists, 4 programmers, 1 sound/table engineer, 1 producer, and then obviously the higher ups are always involved.

King:*And then there’s the engineers who deploy each table onto each of the platforms we support, as well as the people who create the pinball and graphical technology we use. Plus, we rely on our team of internal and external testers and consultants to get the table as accurate as we can. So there’s probably 20 to 30 people who contribute in some way.

So are we part of the "external testers and consultants" equation here? :p

Actually... No!

When it’s done and you’re testing it, do you ever get people who’ve played the real one — or maybe even the original creators — to test it out to make sure it plays like the real thing?

Juneau:*Of course. Most of our beta testers are very passionate about pinball because they grew up playing all these tables. We also use Josh Sharp [president of the World Pinball Player Rankings] to make sure everything is authentic. Its amazing how many modifications people make to these tables. We do are best to deliver the original table, which would not be possible without the folks who point out our mistakes.

King:*We also get general feedback from such pinball legends as Steve Ritchie [who designed such pinball machines as*Black Knight*and*Terminator 2] and George Gomez [who designed the tables*Revenge From Mars*and*The Avengers].
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Are there any tables that you’ve wanted to make for*Pinball Arcade*but couldn’t because there were none still around for you to look at, or no reference photos, or no blueprints?

King:*Pinball Circus*is the only table that fits this category and I’m guessing we’ll find a way.

So one could speculate that FarSight is on the Pinball Circus remake preorder list then... 😁

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