Next Stern Game is Ford Mustang



It looks like a collar/body mic that was taken off for an impromptu interview, given the size and length of the wire to it.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
It looks like a collar/body mic that was taken off for an impromptu interview, given the size and length of the wire to it.

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

As for the interview - I was hoping they would unveil the new Mustang pin. No such luck. :(


New member
Feb 21, 2012

First pics of the cabinet, backglass and game. The DMD is not really visible in any pics but I am assuming it will be single-color (red) based on the bits you can see.

From what I can see, the art is simple but nice. Palido does a good job of giving cars that ethereal, dreamy look which gives some really nice dynamics to it. It's nothing over the top but it doesn't need to be. In this case, understated really seems to work.

The playfield is pretty open and the ramps move off to the side so not to obstruct any of the main playfield sights. The top of the playfield does seem rather crowded but it looks like this should be a reasonably fast table. Just have to wait and see how it plays in real life once it comes out but it looks like it should be ready for production pretty soon.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Thinking about it now... the game really didn't need to have a narrator. You add a specific celebrity, you're automatically aging the machine. Especially when said celeb is tied to a car show that may or may not be around for much longer.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
for me modern sterns are most boring theme pins ever.
Boring is a good word for it. Perhaps "unexciting" is more appropriate?

What frustrates me is Stern continually talking about capturing the market outside of guys in their 30s, and then they go and announce a bloody Mustang-themed pinball. It makes me want to punch something, it's that infuriating. Needs to put his money where his mouth is.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Oh look on the play field, there goes that mystery driver again.
I wish they had done a chevy camaro themed table.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
All of them do. And honestly, the biggest disappointment for me is that the entire playfield and cab is red-themed. Ford logo is blue, most famous Fords have been "Ford blue"... why not blue?!? Red is far more polarising... just look at Star Trek Premium.

But wow, those sounds are HORRIBLE. It looks and sounds like a pin that someone with no idea on sound or graphic design threw up in PinMame or Future Pinball or something.

Avengers 2.0.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Admittedly based on a few unofficial blurry pictures and one shaky video, this game seems like a step back for Stern compared to the increased quality of some of their newer titles. I hope it turns out better than I expect, I like Trudeau as a designer quite a bit.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Look at the inlane around 25 seconds - some kind of magna save feature? Though too low down to actually save the ball...

*Edit* My bad, it's a transparent whirlpool. Had to squint to notice it!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Difficult to tell anything, even gameplay. Obviously that was the multiball mode. Hopefully some of the repetitive sounds are for events that tie in to that mode and don't play constantly during standard play. At least the multiball looked nice and frantic and not balls collecting in one area ricocheting off each other (which the upper playfield looked like it may cause that problem initially).


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Hard to tell so far but the voice calls are annoying and, I agree, that the engine sounds are more fitting to a race car theme than a classic muscle car one. Playfield art does not impress and the light show has nothing on Star Trek, Metallica, AC/DC, Tron, etc. But, as always, no final judgement until I play.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
The art gives me a very heavy Victory vibe. Which is bizarrely coincidental, given Trudeau designed that as well.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I mean it is, because it obviously wasn't Trudeau who did the art, the guy who designed the Mustangs did... yet it manages to look very much like Victory.

But look at a full-body shot of the machine, though. It's just not attractive on any level at all. I honestly don't see a market for this outside of home buyers *at all*:


I think one of the biggest problem's with the game's theme is that it doesn't have any real personality or identity. With Transformers, you have the Transformers characters, with AC/DC you have the music speaking for the game, with Metallica you have the band members. For this, you have... a car? And a TV host?

Don't get me wrong, I like cars and I like car-themed games for the most part... if they're done well (I guess High Speed/HS2 *kinda* counts). Hell, even with Victory your goal is to win a race or complete the checkpoints or something. With this... what am I doing? Am I the car?

I just... I dunno. I think regardless of how this idea came up (I'm guessing Ford are putting some money into it), it's not a great direction for Stern to go. So weird, going from Metallica (great game, ****ty software support), to Star Trek (great game) to this?

Apologies for all the rhetorical questions ;)
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