

New member
Jun 14, 2013
If I have left nudge set to a button to my left.
Does that nudge the ball to the right?


New member
Aug 30, 2013
nudges on this game tend to skew the trajectory of the ball in the opposite direction to the nudge (with a few obvious exceptions, eg walls and stuff)


New member
Jan 8, 2013
I had been experimenting, and as near as I can tell this is how things are configured by default in TPA for PC. (Please anyone let me know if you feel that I am mistaken about any of the following):

1) Controller defaults - Left Joystick is used for nudging in all 4 directions.
a) Then tapping that left joystick on its left side is like hitting a real table on the table's left side, and the table moves to the right.
b) Then tapping that left joystick on its right side, is like hitting a real table on the table's right side and the table moves to the left.

2) Keyboard default
a) "Nudge Left" default is "A". This appears to me to be moving the table TO the left.
b) "Nudge Right" default is "D". This appears to me to be moving the table TO the right .

As far as what happens with the ball when a table moves after a nudge, personally I had understood that originally from the good folks at the Internet Pinball Database, from a couple of sentences in: where it says the following:

"The basic concept is that you want to move the machine to change the direction of the ball, and you must move the machine in the opposite direction as you want the ball to move. The ball is relatively frictionless, therefore you must move the machine."
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