Owning the same tables on more than one format


New member
Sep 4, 2014
I would love it if you could purchase a table and use your account to use it on different platforms without having to purchase it again. I totally get that that would never happen but it got me thinking. Do any of you own one or more tables on more than one platform. If so, do you feel like you got your money's worth? In the future I will probably break down and purchase some tables on another platform but I can't justify such a purchase at the moment.

Let me know if there was a more appropriate place to post this. I'm still getting used to the layout around here. :)


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
When TPA started, I was on iOS and PS3. After it was released on PC, I abandoned PS3 and now have all tables on both, iOS and PC. It's great to have a portable version and it's great to have a big screen with a controller version.

It's like having Mario on my Nintendo, and Mario on my Gameboy. I never expected that buying one entitled me to the other for one price.
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New member
Jan 8, 2015
I must be honest, i own T2 on pc-steam and on iOS ipad...but for some reason I get the most realistic feel of the table on iOS. The ball feels heavier, and moves faster on its way down as gravity would affect it. I don't know if I am the only one who thinks that, so I would love to know what the others think


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
I have TPA on IOS and PC. As for it being better on IOS I play on an iPhone. Maybe one day I'll get an iPad. I seem to take forever making up my mind sometimes


New member
Sep 4, 2014
I know exactly what you mean about a Nintendo version and a GameBoy version. I have my tables on a Mac. Luckily, when you buy from the app store, you can transfer them to any Mac that uses your Apple ID. I play on my 13" MacBook Pro, and then when I'm in the office, I play on my Mac Pro on a 27" screen. Very different experiences, even though I realize it's not quite the same as playing on a mobile device. Rather than get them for the Xbox One, I just ordered a mini displayport to vga cable to connect my MBP to the TV in my bedroom. I was actually wondering if this would cause a slight lag. Eh, I'll soon find out.

Though I never expected that table purchases would cover all devices, it is a bit disappointing that your scores and progress don't sync even when it's the same device type. I don't know anything about programming I would think that wouldn't be very hard considering everyone already has a log in.


Jan 30, 2013
I own everything released on android, ps3 and PC. Totally worth it. Android phone is always with me, PC (laptop) is probably best feeling and ps3 is great to play with friends. I think the tables are so cheap (and I'm a student with small income) I don't really see why one won't treat themselves at least the favourite pins. I also often play real pins both in arcade and private club. I like pinball.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I have TPA on IOS and PC. As for it being better on IOS I play on an iPhone. Maybe one day I'll get an iPad. I seem to take forever making up my mind sometimes

How about a nice new 6s iPhone. My friend has one and that looks like it might be good for TPA. Maybe I'll ask him to download the app next at bowling and see how it plays.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
I went to a bowling alley near me today that had 9 pinball machines.

Lucky, I went to an alley for my Daughter's tournament and thought since the bowling alley looked really big, there should be some tables there.
unfortunately there were none.
Just pool tables and ticket machines for kids.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I own everything on PS3/Vita, season 1 on iOS, and a couple season 4 tables on iOS. The next mobile sale might convince me to buy season 2 or 3 for iOS.


New member
Jun 26, 2012
I own TPA on Wii (but never play on it, for obvious reasons), PS3, PS4, itouch, Ipad Air, iphone, and PC. Plus spent $$$ on all Kickstarters. WHY?....Because pinball is F'ing awesome!


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Does your bowling ally have pinball. The one we have here in town has not a one. Bunch of other crap.

No and it upsets me. There is so many pinball places here in Portland, but not the bowling alley. Then again, AMF bowling is now owned by BowlMor out of New York and those darn, dang, nasty, greedy investment bankers. Heck, were lucky to get napkins when we buy food.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
TPA is one of the only (if not the only,need to think about it) games that I own on different systems. I have everything to date on iOS-iPad for portability,and also my current gen console,the Xbox One. I will support both platforms for the foreseeable future.

I do own the first two seasons on Steam,mainly because the price to buy them has been right. I'd like to someday own some sort of virtual pin table,so that's mainly the reasoning there.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Well, I own it on practically all systems except Android - I have it for iOS, PC/Mac (Steam), Xbox360, Xbone, PS3/Vita and PS4. While I do have a Nexus 7 and Gnex, I don't use them enough to justify buying the Android versions of TPA.


Apr 18, 2013
I had The williams collection on the xbox 360, then i bought PBA on the xbox 360, that went the way of the dodo, so i moved to the PS3 version right up to season 3, frame rate issues and the dropping of trophy's pushed me to try it on the PC, which i think is the best possible version i had ever tried, and the rest is history.

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