Pack 18: a Virtual vs. Real Pinball Object Lesson


New member
Jan 24, 2013
There are very few tables on location in Atlanta that I expect to eventually see in the Pinball Arcade; most of them are newer Sterns and the licensing would require a massive Kickstart.

The only three real contenders were T2 (which we got), a High Speed, and Tee'd Off. While eventually getting High Speed would make my day, I fear I'm most excited for Tee'd Off... if only because virtual flippers won't break.



New member
Jan 24, 2013
Agreed... if that was a picture from a machine I personally owned. However, the caveat is the two horrible words "On Location"; that's (one of) the machines owned by a local arcade.

I guess it's my one big disappointment of only owning the digital pinball tables right now: there's no actual hands-on learning of how all the mechanisms of the machine fit and work together.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Beware! :) I just ordered my 7th in waaaay less than a year. You simply just can buy one...

Yep, fixing, learning to fix thing is at least 50% of the fun ;)


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Beware! :) I just ordered my 7th in waaaay less than a year. You simply just can buy one...

Yep, fixing, learning to fix thing is at least 50% of the fun ;)
soon it becomes a "restore" "hobby" AKA second job. Soon you start spending lets say 3 hours working on the machine VS say 1 hour of play. Pinball is really TWO hobbies for some its two in one. You have the pinball player hobby. Then you have the collector hobby. Some do both but there are two different aspects of this.

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