PC Version 1.23.9 Bugs

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New member
Mar 26, 2012
This thread is for posting bugs for the PC version 1.23.9 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. Anything posted here that is not a bug will be moved or deleted.

When posting a bug, please use the following format:

Bug report template
You must be able to reproduce a bug more than once before reporting.
And make sure to reproduce it yourself more than 10 times to accurately calculate the frequency.

Title Bug: Begin the title with one of the following: Crash, Art, Display, Performance, Physics, or General. Then state where the bug occurs, followed by a brief description. Ex: “General – Scared Stiff: Ball goes through Crate at high velocity”
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 555m
Ram: 8GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen):
Display Mode: “Windowed/Full Screen”
Display Resolution: “640x480, 800x600, 1024x768”

Frequency of Occurrence: “60% of the time” , “Every ball that enters the crate”

Expected Result: “During 'Crate Multiball' ball enters the crate and is launched back into play from the right”
Actual Result:”Entering the crate at maximum velocity causes the ball to fly through the crate into the deadheads”

Comment: Please be descriptive. Explain the steps taken to produce the bug and explain exactly what happened as a result.

In cases where it crashes before the main menu:
Contents of Log.txt, and possibly the contents of MemLog.txt (only if we request it)
Both of those files will be in the Pinball Arcade installation folder within steam.

\SteamApps\common\PinballArcade Under the steam installation

For most people that is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\PinballArcade

Please also remember to email any bugs you find to support@pinballarcade.com

Thank you!
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Do not even ask

New member
Aug 14, 2013
Title Bug: Display - El Dorado: Alphanumeric LED displays are disarranged on backbox
OS Version: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: Saphire HD 5870 Vapor-X
Ram: 12 GB
Version #: 1.23.7
Display Mode: Windowed and Full Screen
Display Resolution: From 640x480 all the way to 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 100%

Comment: Screenshot

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Title Bug: Display - El Dorado: Alphanumeric LED displays are disarranged on backbox
OS Version: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: Saphire HD 5870 Vapor-X
Ram: 12 GB
Version #: 1.23.7
Display Mode: Windowed and Full Screen
Display Resolution: From 640x480 all the way to 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 100%

Comment: Screenshot

Will be fixed in next release


New member
Apr 15, 2012
Title Bug: General - all tables
OS Version: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: Asus GeForce GTX 660Ti
Ram: 8 GB
Version #: 1.23.7
Display Mode: Windowed
Display Resolution: 1280x720
Frequency of Occurrence: 100%
Comment: Still getting image artifacting in 1280x720 windowed mode. It was apparently fixed for other resolutions in a prior patch, but not this one for me.

Armin Ruoff

New member
May 30, 2013
Title Bug: General - All scores and goals are gone
OS Version: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: does it matter?
Ram: 8 GB
Version #: 1.23.7


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Title Bug: Performance - Black Knight 2000 horrible framerate compared to other tables.
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Graphics Card: 2x NVIDIA Geforce GT 750m in SLI
CPU: Intel Core i7-4700MQ (2.4ghz, 4 cores and hyperthreading)
Ram: 8GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.23.7
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080
Frequency of Occurrence: maybe half?
Expected Result: Game should play smoothly without framerate stutter.
Actual Result: Performance on the upper playfield runs at roughly half framerate, with ball movement and physics following this slower rate. Lower playfield runs fine.

Comment: To reproduce, all I have to do is attempt to play Black Knight 2000. At first I thought it was because I had my graphics settings turned up a little high, so I re-tested at 1280x720 with all other options off. Postprocessing, AA, Texture Filtering, and Ball Reflection were all turned off on the second test. The table still had a huge framerate dip but not quite as bad. Keep in mind all other tables run correctly without stuttering at my normal settings, which are 1920x1080, full screen, postprocessing off, 2x AA, Texture filtering on 4x ansio, ball reflection on low.

EDIT 1: for some odd reason, it seems to be acting correctly now on my standard settings. I'll keep an eye on it and report back if it does it again.
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Armin Ruoff

New member
May 30, 2013
Title Bug: PBA Bluescreen while navigating in the menues like shown here: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showt...nd-goals-AGAIN?p=133190&viewfull=1#post133190
OS Version: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX680
Ram: 8 GB
Version #: 1.23.7
Display Mode: Full Screen / Portrait
Display Resolution: 1050*1680
Frequency of Occurrence: 50% of the time

Expected Result: Everything works
Actual Result: Not everything works

Comment: When I select "My Tables", browse through my tables list and then press the "Back"-button on the controller or click on the little "Back"-arrow with the mouse the blue screen error message appears about 50% time.


Title Bug: Flashers on CV are broken
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 565m
Ram: 8GB
Version #: 1.23.7
Display Mode: Full screen
Display Resolution: 1680x1050
Frequency of Occurrence: All the time
Expected Result: The orange/red flashers around the edge of the playfield should contribute to the light show - one prominent example: During ball lock, all flashers fire after each other to a drummroll.
Comment: The are just a dull orange, as if in a state between on and off and never change state. PP is on, if that's relevant. They have been working during beta, but have been broken since vs 0.015


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Bug 1:

Title Bug: Camera - "Black Knight 2000, camera sometimes gets stuck showing whole playfield."
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT670
Ram: 6GB
Version #: v1.23.7
Display Mode: “Full Screen”
Display Resolution: “1920x1080"
Frequency of Occurrence: “maybe about 40-60% of the time”

Expected Result: “Camera moves if ball is being launched or at top playfield”
Actual Result:”Camera stays at position as if the ball is in lower playfield”

Comment: I usually seem to have this when you get the Double Knight Multiball, the camera just stays fixed and doesn't move when launching the 2nd ball or when balls are both at top playfield. It will fix itself after that Multiball but it is still weird.

Bug 2:

Title Bug: Camera - "Black Knight 2000, camera isn't fast enough to follow ball from top playfield to bottom"
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT670
Ram: 6GB
Version #: v1.23.7
Display Mode: “Full Screen”
Display Resolution: “1920x1080"
Frequency of Occurrence: “Depends on the speed of the ball, if going fast it will be unable to show my flippers before ball is out of the game.”

Expected Result: “Camera moves down to lower playfield before ball hits flippers”
Actual Result:”Camera moves too late / slow resulting in loss of ball.”

Comment: It might not be a bug, but it does annoy me because the flippers are so close to that ramp leading down from the upper playfield. If ball goes fast the camera is just too slow, if only there was an option so that the camera can be locked.


New member
Feb 20, 2014
Title Bug: Camera - Medieval Madness: Intro camera (Flyover) is screwed up.. its set way too low.. it passes through the front of the pinball cabinet.
OS Version: Windows 8 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460 1GB DDR5
Ram: 8 GB
Version #: 1.23.9
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080 / 1920x1200

Frequency of Occurrence: 100%

Comment:The camera seems to be set too low on "Goin' Nuts" and "Flight 2000" as well, but not as bad as "Medieval Madness".
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New member
Apr 6, 2012
Title Bug: Gameplay - Scared Stiff: Missing ball after Monster Multiball, Attendant says that there is no ball missing. Tilting doesn't help. It just shows "TILT" and nothing happens.
OS Version: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Graphics Card: Radeon HD 7560D
Ram: 8 GB
Version #: 1.23.9
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1680x1050

Frequency of Occurrence: It happened twice to me, but the other time was in an older version.


This is so freaking annoying. Had a good game going (about 1 hour and 130 million) and was the second time on Monster Multiball. The mode didn't end when I only had one ball going and when I lost that ball nothing happened. I called attentand, no ball missing. I nudged until tilt, and nothing happened. Had to exit the game and my score was lost.

I won't play this table until this is fixed.


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Title Bug: Black Knight 2000 - Enter Initials menu stays through next game
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 670
Ram: 16GB
Version 1.23.9
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time I enter my initials as the "loop champion" without actually having my score be in the top 5. It's the exact same bug as on Black Rose and the ships sunk. The solution is to not hit any buttons until the high score screen comes up.........or get a free ball in the next game.



New member
Nov 23, 2012
Title: Friend leaderboard showing Empty
OS: Windows 7
Version 1.23.9
Frequency: Day after the 1.23.9 patch release

It was working when the 1.23.9 patch was released. Day after the release, the friend leaderboard is empty. All time, monthly, and weekly shows no friends (Yes I have steam friends on here :p).


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Title: DMD on Cactus Canyon is distorted
OS: Windows 7
Version 1.23.9
DMD on backglass of CC is distorted - like it is squeezed in the middle.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Title Bug: Crash - Firepower bonus countdown goes into infinite loop
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560Ti
Ram: 9GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.23.9
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: Once

Expected Result: After drain, bonus counts down then I begin next ball.
Actual Result: After drain, bonus counts down, then counts down again, and again, to infinity.

Comment: I sat and watched it for a while. The score rolled over. I couldn't purposely tilt by abusing the nudge keys. Call attendant claimed ball wasn't stuck. I had to abort the game back to main menu.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
That sounds like the sort of thing that would be fixed if the table was EMULATED.

Sorry, I'm just a little overly anxious for that particular feature to be implemented for BK and FP :(


Jan 28, 2013
Are we wasting our time reporting bugs on the PC version?

Are any of them being addressed?


New member
Aug 18, 2013
on Who Dunn It after getting "Who Dunn It?" award at "Sewers" pocket game locked flippers (for selecting suspect, i guess) and kicked out ball from the "Sewers", so i loosed my last ball from my most resultative game because of that.
p.s. will repost it to latest topic
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