Please I need some friends. Please read.


Sep 12, 2012
Yes my CC got hacked that much and Sony think's the bank would reverse the charges back to them. They aren't too bright are they? The bank would send fraudulent sharges back to the owner, but I am locked out of my main account and have lost much more than that pitiful sum of money that they want back to unban my main account. I have a sub-account Kemetman72-_. I have a new SS and my account there is Rivets70. Everything I worked and saved for a lot of it's gone because of the ban and only being able to salvage so much on a sub. Once again I am being screwed. I re-bought all of TPA. I could really use some friends now. It's like 6 years ago when an UNINSURED DRUNK DRIVER with 5 DUI's damaged my brain cognitively and has caused serious mental disorders. So if there are still folks with hearts out there please send me a friend request at Rivets70 because that is where my TPA is. Got plenty of space since on my sub on my old slim is at a big fat 0 so is my brand new one. Mr. Lacey I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but as you can see I am a die-hard pinball fan or I wouldn't have bothered to buy season 1 and packs 11 and 12 all over again. Thank you. If anyone thinks I would be safer to make a new account let me know. I am mentally disabled and literally overlooked and bent over the barrel by the system twice by the man. It's like let's pick on the handicapped guy. :(
So no PS4 for me I have had enough. I just had enough money to have what I have now. Thank you for reading this.

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