PS3 Season 3 Wrap Up


Apr 13, 2012
Now that season 3 is complete, at least in the US, what's your impression? In the past I usually didn't think twice when it came to buying table packs but for 5 bucks per table it's a different story.

3.1 Fish Tales
An original theme but the table can be so punishing that it's no fun. It looks good though and I will try it more in future. This table has one of the toughest standard goals - the "Fast Cast". I still haven't got it. :(

3.2 Black Rose
An original table with a nice theme. The cannon grows old pretty quickly and the sound is kind of dull. I don't play it much.

3.3 Black Knight 2000
I couldn't convince myself to buy the table. I have tried it on my friend's tablet - it's all about fast reaction and I am afraid it will become boring fast. The physical table is a different story. In TPA there are simply too many good alternatives.

3.4 WHO dunnit?
A fantastic murder hunt, I am totally in love with the theme! The sound is great and it's fun to catch a murder or two. Or all. Definitely a welcome addition to the TPA collection.

3.5 High Speed
The second table that I couldn't convince myself to buy. Yet. :) It looks too simple and although some games can be quite fun, I don't know how long I would play it. Any opinion - are you still playing it or has it already started to collect dust?

3.6 Junk Yard
A great looking table with a sound that doesn't go out of my head. It's rather easy with many extra balls and "recycles" so playing for highscores will require a lot of endurance. Or you just enjoy the ride until you beat Bob and then come back again later.

3.7 Lights ...Camera ...Action!
The theme doesn't appeal to me so I skipped the table.

3.8 High Roller Casino
Same as above.

3.9 Diner
Interesting table layout with a good rule set. So far it's fun.

3.10 Bram Stoker's Dracula
Great table! I love the animations, the one-liners and the Multiball. It can be pretty brutal but that's part of the appeal. When everything comes together it's a blast to rack up points. With the nudging capabilities on the PS3 it's a bit easier and the perfect table if you want some quick games with fast action.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
brilliant idea! "the post-game report"... it's been a helluva year; i hope that FS is upped a few notches in the stats for the effort! (though watching how much of a PITA getting through the AppleStore/PS Store release cycle wonders if there's been any improvement... i don't fault FS for that at all though; anyone in the same ballgame has the same hoops to jump through...)

fish tales - SUCKS! not as a release; just for playing. (just posted in the "drain monsters" thread about that too; seems a common complaint - it is what it is!) but it's a nice adaptation, obviously. just a pain to play a good game with it!

black rose - i really liked that one when released, but not playing it much anymore - no fault of its own, though it has its "haters" it seems. just not the kind of table that makes me want to pull it up for a play when i have the time... but i hope to master it better in the future. still can't make those cannon shots reliably, kind of like T2 or STTNG's cannon shots (well T2 isn't too difficult for those).

black knight 2k - a super-tough one; another i don't just casually pull up, but when i do, it's a challenging bit of fun! it is easier than it's predescesor though... a really fast one, gotta be wide awake to get a decent score from it!

who dunnit? - not playing it as much as i would like to, but i really like that one! creative theme for a table, and not terribly challenging, which makes it fun to kill some time with. for some reason it sticks out in my head as one as "the ladies like it too," which isn't something one can say for many pbs (and hey, that's important!)

high speed - i dunno, the theme doesn't really stick to me, but it's not a bad player - a bit like the black knights and other older tables, but not quite as difficult. but still, haven't got that for PS3 yet; not drawing me in too much to do so yet on iOS. not playing it much.

junk yard - really liked the different theme; the playfield is a little odd in that it's so open in the middle - plus it has a huge reliance on video-modes, which annoys me (i'm kind of like "NO video modes" as my fave tables - i came to play PINBALL!). but i had to have it; it is fun to play it when i do!

lights camera action - well OOPS, i just can't bring myself to buy this one yet - there's that "gunfight every plunger" thing that is just super-annoying to me! and normally, i feel like a gottleib defender. something just kind of "off" about the play of this table; it's just not engaged me at all yet... i may not buy everything for iOS, but intend to get 'em all on PS3. just, not now...

high-roller casino - another "miss" for me, so far; it just doesn't grab me. plus i hate to say, that chincy "tsee! tse-tse-tsee! tse-tse-tsee!" theme just turns me off... also just "off" for the play of it; just doesn't seem like a fun one to me. but, that's just me - i'm a picky person!

diner and dracula - well they ended with two really good ones! :) both favorites for different reason; like that diner is sort of an updated "taxi", and dracula is, well - dracula! and they're both great plays too, although a bit frustrating to not make the "wrong shots".

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Fish Tales Like the theme and rules but the emulation of the table ruins it for me. Outlanes are vacuums and shots feel impossible to make. Not much to see here, don't buy this table.
Black Rose Pretty good table. Lots of depth. Theme is weird, confused me when I first saw the Williams promo video for it. Cannon toy is great and I am surprised other games didn't use a similar feature.
Black Knight 2000 BEST MUSIC EVAR! Emulation is well done too. Could use a bit more randomization in kick outs though. Ruleset is shallow but this is a late 80s table.
WHO?dunnit I have been playing this table a lot since I first bought it. The game has a gimmicky theme and layout but ties it together with a nice ruleset. Very slow and floaty.
High Speed Physics feel a bit off but this is a classic machine. Nice flow on the orbits. One of the milestone machines in the collection and a must-buy for people who grew up on this machine.
Junkyard I was advocating for this table but now that I've played it more, the rules don't feel too good. Everything is unbalanced by the DOG video modes and rewards. Still bought it anyway.
Lights Camera Action I also advocated for this table. Much more fun than I expected but I don't like how the gunfights are executed. Also it's a Gottlieb.
High Roller Casino The underdog of Season 3 for me and one of my favorite tables in the game. Theme is well done and the rules are nothing short of great. Toys are also utilized well.
Diner Meh. Theme is fun and a nice callback but nothing too out of the ordinary. Skip it.
Bram Stoker's Dracula A great closer to the season. I approve of anything with stacking multi balls and modes so this is one for the ages.


New member
May 24, 2013
the 5 tables that really hit the spot for me !!! 1.DINER 2.BSD 3.HIGH ROLLER CASINO 4.JUNKYARD 5.FISH TALES. these 5 would rate between 9-10 out of ten,the other 5 tables would rate between 7-8.i still reckon ONE bloody fantastic`s to season 4 we started with POTO and PARTY ZONE any week now,can`t wait.for you fellas that pick and choose what tables you buy,that`s fine !!! my motto is,every pinball table is worth playing. VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE !!! :)


New member
Apr 15, 2014
hehe! same to ya wolfson! dress up as a zombie "drop-bear!"

now swim out there and dredge up the rest of amelia's plane! you're closer!


Apr 13, 2012
So you guys are suggesting that HRC is a table one should get?
What about High Speed and BK2000 - are there any fans out there? :)


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Jun 11, 2012
I don't know why people dislike fish tales. It's incredibly fun because the games don't get that long, and you actually need to apply nudging a whole lot which is rare for a modern table.

My S3 top 3 is #1 BSD, #2 Fish tales, #3 HRC. The rest are varying levels of fun, but have some problems. LCA is kind of terrible all around though.


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Sep 9, 2013
I don't know why people dislike fish tales. It's incredibly fun because the games don't get that long, and you actually need to apply nudging a whole lot which is rare for a modern table.

My S3 top 3 is #1 BSD, #2 Fish tales, #3 HRC. The rest are varying levels of fun, but have some problems. LCA is kind of terrible all around though.

If you don't do controlled multiballs, I can see why it's not much fun. But keeping the balls under control and getting the jackpots is incredibly satisfying. I get one ball on each flipper, backhand to the Caster's Club, post pass from left to right, then shoot for the jackpot. When it goes right it's incredibly satisfying.


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Jun 11, 2012
If you don't do controlled multiballs, I can see why it's not much fun. But keeping the balls under control and getting the jackpots is incredibly satisfying. I get one ball on each flipper, backhand to the Caster's Club, post pass from left to right, then shoot for the jackpot. When it goes right it's incredibly satisfying.

Interesting. I haven't been able to get the lock backhand consistent enough so I just forehand the lock and then forehand the left orbit for the jackpot instead. It's nice you have different options for doing things though. Only time I backhand the lock is when I'm opening up the locks after a multiball, since the return from that side is a lot less lethal.


Apr 7, 2014
Fish Tales: A great table with an a fun theme...unfortunately, this table gets old really quick, mostly due to the lack of table space. It gets really old hitting that big boat in the middle.

Black Rose: A really cool table, and a fun theme. The busy artwork kinda makes it a little hard to make out certain areas of the table, but nothing that hinders gameplay. It's def, worth your money, but I wouldn't consider it a Must Buy.

Black Knight 2000: Definitely a Must Buy for Season 3. The table is flawless, with excellent play, art, music, and lights, and it's a million times better (and easier!) than the original "Black Knight".

WHO? Dunnit: I absolutely love the theme of this table, but the ramp shots are a nightmare, and that really ruined the game for me. If you take that aspect out, it's a Must Buy table, without question.

High Speed: A highly overrated table. Yes, the theme is fun and the strobe lights are cool, but it truly stops there. This seems to be one of those "You have to play it in real life to understand" tables.

Junkyard: A really fun table, better than I had expected. This is one of the few tables that I can play over and over, despite the goals being completed. I always have fun with this table, even when I'm having a bad game, just because of the theme and the toys. A Must Buy.

Lights Camera Action: One of the worst tables in TPA. The music is terrible, the gun action scenes are endless and annoying, and the poker aspect makes no sense. You'd be better off spending your $5.00 at Subway or something.

High Roller Casino: A really fun table and theme. Unfortunately, there's a few annoying issues that really turn it off for me. First off, I've played this table in real life, many times, and every one I played had a Ball Save at the beginning of each turn. Sadly, that's not the case for the version in TPA, and for some reason, I can never get a good game going. Also, because of how the initial ball is started up, there's always an initial plunger miss, forcing you to plunge again. I have no idea how they jacked that up, but it's annoying and needs to be fixed. In any event, ff gambling is your thing, then definitely give it a shot. The Slot Machine is also really badass.

Diner: I had always heard that this is just another version of "Taxi", but I highly disagree. Yeah, it has a few aspects from the game, like a few characters and sounds, but beyond that, I don't think it is. I'd say it's a lot better than Taxi, and a lot more fun. There's just so much to do here. The bad thing is that the table is a tad bit dark, and the ball seems to be extremely fast. In fact, I'd say this is the fastest table on TPA. However, with that being said, it's still worth your money. The table is just way too fun to let little things get in the way.

Bram Stoker's Dracula: A flawless table, and a must buy for Season 3 This is one of the best tables in TPA....not much more needs to be said.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Interesting. I haven't been able to get the lock backhand consistent enough so I just forehand the lock and then forehand the left orbit for the jackpot instead. It's nice you have different options for doing things though. Only time I backhand the lock is when I'm opening up the locks after a multiball, since the return from that side is a lot less lethal.

I find it far more easier to aim with a backhand. And generally safer due to the more vertical trajectory. That goes for anything, really. If I can backhand a shot, I will. I don't know if it's just personal preference, but I find backhands so much easier to pull off.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Best to worst

1. Black Rose - I expected to hate this table because I hate pirates, but sinking ships is actually a lot of fun.
2. Fish Tales - multiball is a lot of fun on this table.
3. Diner - challenging. More suitable for TPA than Taxi (and I love taxi) because taxi has the game to game jackpot increase, which is lost on TPA.
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula - I like it a lot. Many modes. I love some of the things Dracula says. But it loses points for being based off of that terrible movie instead of the Bela Lugosi version.
5. High Roller Casino - challenging= fun. I dislike waiting for the roulette wheel every time I launch the ball though.
6. Lights Camera Action - this has a lot going for it. I like the poker and the different modes. I could do without the annoying ready set draw thing.
7. High Speed - I love this table and, while it is too easy, it is not as easy as BK2K. See below.
8. Black Knight 2000 - I love this table, but it was made so easy that it gets very boring after a few multiballs.
9. Who Dunnit - I love the theme, but they made it too easy. I don't like having hour long pinball games, especially on DMD games where you have to watch the same animations and listen to the same voiceovers over and over again.
10. Junkyard - it seemed like something I would like, but they made it too easy and I don't like how you keep your junk after going into outer space.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Best to worst

1. Black Rose - I expected to hate this table because I hate pirates, but sinking ships is actually a lot of fun.
2. Fish Tales - multiball is a lot of fun on this table.
3. Diner - challenging. More suitable for TPA than Taxi (and I love taxi) because taxi has the game to game jackpot increase, which is lost on TPA.
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula - I like it a lot. Many modes. I love some of the things Dracula says. But it loses points for being based off of that terrible movie instead of the Bela Lugosi version.
5. High Roller Casino - challenging= fun. I dislike waiting for the roulette wheel every time I launch the ball though.
6. Lights Camera Action - this has a lot going for it. I like the poker and the different modes. I could do without the annoying ready set draw thing.
7. High Speed - I love this table and, while it is too easy, it is not as easy as BK2K. See below.
8. Black Knight 2000 - I love this table, but it was made so easy that it gets very boring after a few multiballs.
9. Who Dunnit - I love the theme, but they made it too easy. I don't like having hour long pinball games, especially on DMD games where you have to watch the same animations and listen to the same voiceovers over and over again.
10. Junkyard - it seemed like something I would like, but they made it too easy and I don't like how you keep your junk after going into outer space.

I more or less agree with all of this, except that I would put HS and BK2K above HRC. However, every time I play Junkyard I like it more than I thought I did.


Apr 13, 2012
After all the comments I have bought BK2000 and HRC.

Black Knight 2000 is a blast to play, I enjoy it more than expected. HRC on the other hand needs more time to grow on me. It also looks rather ugly and blurry, which only gets better when the table is scrolled up. Do you see the same or am I affected because I play in 720p?


New member
Sep 22, 2013
It's been hard for me to get into HRC. The theme doesn't do anything for me. Actually, the newer tables just seem so cluttered to me.

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