Six tables crash IOS iPad 2 with the paragon update


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
All tables are now working,however Centigrade 37 is having some blank spaces show up on the backboard


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Brandon can you just tell me when farsight makes an update like paragon, don't they load it on different devices and see if there are problems? I'm not trying to be a dick. I just find it hard to believe that paragon update crashed five tables on iOS and no one at farsight knows before they send it to apple for approval.

We do test multiple tables on multiple devices, it just got past us as a release build was not locked down and some changes were put in before the release. We'll make a better effort to test 85 tables before the next release and we hope to continue to do so moving forward.
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