This season I will NOT be buying a season pass. Reasons within.


New member
Feb 20, 2015
Hi all, especially Farsight workers,

After the awful problems with Season 6 and the overabundance of Gottliebs, I will not be buying a season pass for Season 7. Paragon is in my opinion, little fun IRL given the left (drain) "pop bumper array" and the fact you cannot trap on the right. I understand there are some persons who may find this table fun. Due to its design, I am not one. There are also some persons who are obviously (and to me unfathomably) nostalgic for this game. I am not one, nor do I understand why they are. I have played it at shows, and I find it to be a slow moving, boring drainfest. I also understand in Europe they had to re-release this table with a standard "Italian Bottom" outlane array on the left or it wasn't going to be bought or played over there.

Now the announcement comes that we are offered yet another undesired Gottlieb Premiere next, Wipeout. Farsight, when are you going to wake up and smell the dissatisfaction among your "regular" customers which is evident all over this forum? A survey was done of the tables we the buying public wanted to see for Season 7. Wipeout's not there. Gottlieb Premieres are largely not there. Other than Paragon, the top 4 in the survey are The Shadow (Bally), Congo, Demolition Man, and Sorcerer (all Williams). All 80's/90's Bally and Williams games. We the customers told you what we want. Clearly. Why are you proceeding with more Gottlieb Premieres? For me, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Nothing but a la carte purchase of tables from now on for me. I MIGHT buy some old EM Gottliebs, but I am more inclined to make a point by NOT buying them just to show Farsight where the money is in pinball sims.

TPA fans, vote with your wallet if you are tired of boring, poorly designed tables with issues that THEN are simulated into being worse than they were IRL. (BoneBusters, I am looking at you.) Farsight, please demonstrate a learning curve concerning your customers' desires. If the rate of dogs to good tables remains as it was in Season 6, I might buy 3 tables a la carte, maybe less this season. You guys want more money, lay off the Premieres. It's that simple.

Frankenball (who is going to go play more Ghostbusters Pro in his basement lair)

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
I'm actually looking forward to Wipeout if it is the next table. I played it at a pinball show and I enjoyed it. Plus Paragon is one of my the design of it!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Ive always bought individually mostly because it started of as blackhole!? cool ill just buy this one...*ahem* its your best option if thats how you feel im sure youll still find some tables to enjoy


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think it is very wise not to purchase the full season if you feel you'll be getting a repeat of season 6. While you are truly demonstrating 'voting with your wallet', keep in mind that if you wind buying ala carte 6 of the 10 tables, you'll be paying the same price as a season. But yeah, you'll probably save yourself some frustration this way.

As for why people may or may not like a table despite your clear disdain, it's called personal taste! Some people only like EMs, some won't play anything without a DMD. I personally loathe Gottlieb Premiere machines, but I'd never fault someone who owns one. What a boring world it'd be if we all had to like and dislike the exact same things.


New member
Feb 20, 2015
I seriously had been thinking until today that I might get the Season 7 pass even with Paragon, but the announcement of Wipeout killed that idea in its tracks. A table I personally don't care for as the season lead off after a fan vote where it is the clear winner, that I could handle. Follow it up with another Gottlieb after the bugs and the rest of the trouble with season 6; you just lost my money. That's 2 out of 10 I know I don't want. If 3 more out of 8 are not to my taste then I made the correct financial decision even before personal desires to make the point clear to Farsight.

I'm not trying to get on anyone's bad side about personal taste or say they are wrong for liking what they like. A clear and strong movement for fewer Gottlieb Premieres has built among TPA fans, and our message has been building on this forum for some time. I'm choosing to express my feelings with words and my money. No foul to those who think otherwise about Gottlieb Premieres. You wanna buy them, do it. I'm writing so that I have a higher chance of getting tables I WANT to buy, instead of idlely hoping they will be such.



Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I want every pin they release, even if it is something I rarely will play. I love the variety. But, yeah, just buy what you like. Or wait til the seasons over then decide if you want the whole season or not (if you are the patient type).
Those Paragon bottom flippers are frustrating fun in my opinion. Forces you not to play cautiously. Harelem Globetrotters and some others have a similar setup. It's a love hate thing for me. It's fun, but I'm glad it's not all that common.
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New member
Mar 17, 2012
I thought FS got their Williams/Bally license renewed?, I was under the impression in which case we wouldn't see anymore Gottlieb tables for a good while and would be a return to form for this season with all Williams/Bally tables.

Considering their can't be many seasons left for TPA this is concerning as there are still a load of Williams/Bally tables left that could easily make it into TPA without the need of additional licenses in place let alone the few Capcom, Sega and Data East tables that could be included.

Hope Wipeout is the last Gottlieb we see for a good long while.....but then I had hoped the same for Paragon


New member
May 24, 2013
i look at it this way . about 45 years ago when I wagged high school , I would find every pinnie parlour and snooker hall . I would play every pinnie I could get my hands on . I am the same now , I will buy every pinnie that comes out . I have every table on TPA , SPA , PINBALL FX , ZACCARIA and PRO PINBALL that is about 200 pinnies . am I happy ,you betcha !!!! :cool::cool::cool:


New member
Oct 20, 2012
It would be nice if FarSight could simply remaster the first two seasons of tables. These, IMO were the best TPA has offered. Seriously, some people may think Wipeout is a fun game, but would you take that over Medieval Madness or Gorgar? (just two examples)

FarSight has been improving their textures with each season, which makes the earlier two seem primitive. I'd love to see them look so much more clear. But then again, who would be willing to shell out more bones for pinball sims they already have?

That and releasing TPA on a Friday before Memorial Day weekend with app-breaking bugs on some platforms. Steam seems to be okay except for the yellow glitches in the UI's text.

Me personally, I like Paragon and think FarSight did a great job with that one. But they will need to offer something really, really good after Wipeout. Too bad I can't unsee Bone Busters.
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New member
Jul 12, 2013
It does kind of annoy me when I see someone bash Gottlieb tables just for being a Gottlieb and that sense of elitism that too many hobbies seem to have in any genre(movies/tv/videogames/pinball etc.), they were one of the top companies for EM's and I would say even their early SS tables held up well to many of their competitors at the time. It's true many of the Premier tables don't get much love but there are people out there that still enjoy them and I don't fault anyone for getting a table they want or wished for.

I don't have any place close to me that I can even play pinball tables other than to take a 2 1/2 hour one way trip to and I know talking with some others they don't even have pinball parlors in their countries at all, I grew up during the Golden Era of arcades but didn't have an appreciation for pinball til Farsight came along with their console pinball collections and eventually The Pinball Arcade. I actually look forward to any of the tables they bring out.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
OP, a lot of people wanted Paragon. Just because you didn't doesn't mean FS isn't attempting to cater to other people's tastes. They even gave us a vote and Paragon won (I personally voted for Embryon but what can you do?). Swords of Fury was also a highly requested game.

FS just took a month off to implement much-needed fixes and improvements to a bunch of tables.

I have been pretty critical of FS in the past but I have to throw them a bone here. You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people all of the time...


New member
Oct 20, 2012
It does kind of annoy me when I see someone bash Gottlieb tables just for being a Gottlieb and that sense of elitism that too many hobbies seem to have in any genre(movies/tv/videogames/pinball etc.), they were one of the top companies for EM's and I would say even their early SS tables held up well to many of their competitors at the time. It's true many of the Premier tables don't get much love but there are people out there that still enjoy them and I don't fault anyone for getting a table they want or wished for.

I don't have any place close to me that I can even play pinball tables other than to take a 2 1/2 hour one way trip to and I know talking with some others they don't even have pinball parlors in their countries at all, I grew up during the Golden Era of arcades but didn't have an appreciation for pinball til Farsight came along with their console pinball collections and eventually The Pinball Arcade. I actually look forward to any of the tables they bring out.

Heck, one of my most wanted tables is a Premier-as I've often said. Surf-N-Safari. I also liked Gladiators and Cactus Jack's.
At least Wipeout doesn't look as bad as Bone Busters (what does?), but it still looks bad.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
I hope they do Robo War, Diamond Lady, Surf n Safari, and Genesis....bad back glass and all! Lol. (Oh, and not all or most in one season, spread it out through future seasons.) :)


New member
Apr 27, 2017
It does kind of annoy me when I see someone bash Gottlieb tables just for being a Gottlieb and that sense of elitism that too many hobbies seem to have in any genre(movies/tv/videogames/pinball etc.), they were one of the top companies for EM's and I would say even their early SS tables held up well to many of their competitors at the time. It's true many of the Premier tables don't get much love but there are people out there that still enjoy them and I don't fault anyone for getting a table they want or wished for.

I don't have any place close to me that I can even play pinball tables other than to take a 2 1/2 hour one way trip to and I know talking with some others they don't even have pinball parlors in their countries at all, I grew up during the Golden Era of arcades but didn't have an appreciation for pinball til Farsight came along with their console pinball collections and eventually The Pinball Arcade. I actually look forward to any of the tables they bring out.

Referring to your second paragraph, totally same for me, i'll generally enjoy any table they bring out, though like everyone i'll have my favourites. Its Farsights Pinball Arcade that got me (and my wife) into pinball and living in the north of england its hard enough to even see a real machine let alone play one. Its as near as i get 99.9% of the time. I think Farsight do a pretty good job given their size, its just as a PS4 owner i have to be more patient for things, but i know they will come in time. Stroll on my fortnights holiday in september to las vegas where i can get some serious real time in again!


Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Referring to your second paragraph, totally same for me, i'll generally enjoy any table they bring out, though like everyone i'll have my favourites. Its Farsights Pinball Arcade that got me (and my wife) into pinball and living in the north of england its hard enough to even see a real machine let alone play one. Its as near as i get 99.9% of the time. I think Farsight do a pretty good job given their size, its just as a PS4 owner i have to be more patient for things, but i know they will come in time. Stroll on my fortnights holiday in september to las vegas where i can get some serious real time in again!


I'm in the NW too. Although my missus doesn't like Pinball.
If you didn't already know about it, don't miss play.expo Manchester 14/15 Oct '17. There's usually +100 Pinball machines there. That's where me, my dad, and my lad usually get our fix.


New member
Nov 1, 2015
Heres what i know in this app alone you have 33 williams
And 21 gotliebs now in my opinion if they realease a gotlieb its fine ill play it but there are more williams tables in pinball arcade than gotlieb

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