Request " Update All " button is welcome but.....


New member
Feb 20, 2012
After reinstalling the app I still had to download all 26 tables 1 at a time, surely the new button could have had a dual functionality and downloaded all purchased tables. Either that or they should have added a download all purchased tables button too.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Update all looks like 4 tables came through, not sure which ones though... Any ideas guys?

Just a note here, table management shows the current version but I'm still not sure which is the latest....


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I like the button the way it is. In fact I think it is one of the best features they've introduced. The reason being is that I am pretty limited for space on my iPhone so I cycle tables in and out but I do like to play the ones I have consistently. So if an update happens I don't have space to add the additional tables. I think that is a great idea for users though to have a download all button in addition to the update all button for the tables in your phone.

There is no info on what tables have been updated and in what way from release to release. That would be nice information to have as well.


There is no info on what tables have been updated and in what way from release to release. That would be nice information to have as well.

A change-list, nowai! We couldn't have anything like that. It would ruin the fun of playing old tables and finding new features, or playing new tables and finding improved physics etc.

I mean wasn't that half the joy of pinball anyway, not knowing what is happening or why exactly? How often did anyone have access to rule sheets back in the day. Just try and re-capture some of that wonder in the new and old table releases and their changes, LOL Imagine it as programmed nostalgia. :p

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
A change-list, nowai! We couldn't have anything like that. It would ruin the fun of playing old tables and finding new features, or playing new tables and finding improved physics etc.

I mean wasn't that half the joy of pinball anyway, not knowing what is happening or why exactly? How often did anyone have access to rule sheets back in the day. Just try and re-capture some of that wonder in the new and old table releases and their changes, LOL Imagine it as programmed nostalgia. :p
Actually, part of my beef with modern Sterns is that it is very often not clear at all what you are supposed to be doing. Even the "shoot the flashing shot" rule doesn't help when half the table is flashing.

More to netizen's point, it would be nice to have a changelog, if for no other reason so that we can look at it and know which bugs we can stop complaining about. :)


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Update all looks like 4 tables came through, not sure which ones though... Any ideas guys?

I wrote down the version numbers before the change.

AFM went from v.4 to 5.
BS from 3 to 5. (I know right?)
STTNG from 5 to 6.

Even though I also saw 4 tables updated, I have no idea what that 4th one was.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Big Shot was updated as well. You can now choose from a 3 ball game or a 5 ball game in the game setup menu.

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