Version 1.34.8

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
New version out today.

Version 1.34.10
- Leaderboards fixed

Version 1.34.9
- Audio fixes

Version 1.34.8
- Added Starship Troopers
- Disable flippers on HH when tilting
- Camera shake minimized on Earthshaker
- Translations for Earthshaker instructions and pro tips
- Changed Earthshaker HUD
- Fixed Custom Balls not working
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New member
Jan 2, 2015
Cool. Just tried it out. Wish camera angle was saved individually for each pin since I find sometimes a lower angel is better although I mostly prefer the top view.

Also player the Free Table Junkyard. Midnight champion, made me remember what time it is...

But surely the patch list is allot longer than this? I always hear about all the fixes you are working on and statement on table adjustments; so are there just not listed?

I made a report on a bad sample editing, probably the snare drum, in Tee Off. Guess it shows up in HiFi systems only since no one else has mentioned it.

Keep up the good work :)

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
I'm running 1.34.10, which came shortly after 1.34.8. Wondering what changed...

Something with the leaderboards, from what I gather.

The table is full of bugs, and I don't mean the toys. I have an issue where a ball is missing and the game is essentially done unless I restart, but I just don't like this game enough to do that, so I just stop playing it. If the problem doesn't get fixed next week, I suppose this will be another "almost got it" pinball table with some annoying issues that will remain forever; or at least until this game becomes open-sourced sometime in the future and other programmers fix all the bugs. What is the deal with the left inlane? Does the real table accelerate the ball like mad every now and then, or is this just another anomaly of the physics that we will have deal with forever?

For now, I just don't want to play it with the problem with the missing ball. I never know when the game will lose a ball and prevent me for continuing. Even the Call Attendant is worthless and says the ball is not stuck. Tilting just hangs on Tilt, and the missing ball is still never recovered. I played 4 games, and half of them lost a ball and forced me to exit the game. I would write a bug report, but I don't see the point. On to The Adams Family. The money has already been made with the rest of the tables.


New member
Apr 7, 2014
Earthshaker has an issue that, sometimes when you shoot the side ramp for a fault trip, the table hangs for approx. 15 seconds before kicking the ball out. Sometimes after that the game will also get out of sync with whats happening on the table.

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
Found a bugg in the new table "Starship Troopers"
Is that the mobile version? Nothing like that occurs with the PC (Windows 7) version? Guess the physics are CLEARLY not the same between platforms, even though they are supposedly using the same coding parameters. To that end, I made Lieutenant on PC and the standard goal for advancing rank did not register. I think at least another week was needed.

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
pc version, windows 7

Very odd. I guess I'm not sure what I am looking at with all the stuff on the side of your video. I play on a Windows 7 PC with a nVidia GTX770 and an Intel i7-3770K and the ball behaves much differently. I'm uploading a video now and will post it once it is completed.

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New member
Sep 19, 2013
I've posted this in the Earthshaker thread but the PC version of Earthshaker camera angles (not in portrait mode) NEED to be fixed. The camera stays far too back from the table so it only show a little more than than the bottom half of the table.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
I experience flipper lag in the current version - how bad it is seems to vary from table to table.
In BoP I can't make heart ramp loop shots because my timing is off.
In T2 shots from a ball cradled on the right flipper tend to go up the left ramp or hit the peg right of it when I aim for the skull.
And it's really noticeable on Starship Troopers as there is a visible delay between the button press and the flipper moving.
Poto is the least offender from the tables I have tried so far.

Perforance is not an issue here - it's smooth 60/60 and I double checked my driver settings, it's still set to only pre-render 1 frame max, so no double/tripple buffer latency involved.

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