What about the other Star Trek pinballs?


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Maybe I am off a bit in my logic,but wouldn't it stand to some reason that when FS went to CBS to get the ST:TNG license,that they might inquire about the other Trek tables? (specifically the '78 Bally & the 90's Data East pin)

Now I understand about getting the rights for artwork for likenesses and whatnot,but the main franchise license should fall under the same umbrella,yes? And is anyone even interested in getting these tables on TPA?

Personally,I've never played the 70s one,but I did like the Data East one & wouldn't mind seeing that here someday...



New member
Jun 20, 2012
Of course we are interested , but you see for each table FarSight adds , there must be a real pinball machine that they own for tearing apart and digitising . So rare pinball machines are going to take longer, and FarSight is re-doing the old Williams/Gottlieb tables from the old games primarily because the files for digitising them and the machines are readily available . FarSight probably had their StarTrek and Twilight Zone pinball machines already bought long before the kickstarters and the licensing deals were inked.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
FarSight probably had their StarTrek and Twilight Zone pinball machines already bought long before the kickstarters and the licensing deals were inked.
ST:TNG seems to have been on-hand at the studio, but one of the early updates for TZ's kickstarter shows a picture of the table they had just purchased, explaining that they had jumped the gun a little because the table was being offered at a reasonable price in reasonable condition.

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