What should I do when the timer runs out in Stiff-O-Meter ?


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Following the great advice given in another thread started by me ("Should I give up playing Pinball....?"), I concentrated some time on SS, because it is an easier table for beginners. And after some practicing I could start the Stiff-O-Meter, reach the 5th level and got 19.145.140 points. Although I scored more jackpots I didn't see the level going up, but realized afterwards that there is a 30s timer.
But now my question: When the timer has ran out, what do you have to do to start levelling up again ? Do you have to start and finish all 6 tales all over again and start at level 1 again ? (Of course when you still have balls).


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Do you have to start and finish all 6 tales all over again and start at level 1 again ? (Of course when you still have balls).

Yes, but it starts on the level where you left off. Also, it's not 30 seconds total. Each time you make a required shot, more seconds are added back onto the timer. So just breath deep, relax, make your shots. Ramp, Crate, Ramp, Crate, etc...

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