when will we see cabinet options?


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Mike....with xbox stuff going in for certification will cabinet be getting some more time dedicated to it? Is end of the year to optimistic?


New member
May 18, 2013
Just use a DK2, no cabinet required:

Farsight, needs to integrate this devs code into their Pinball Arcade config file for Dk2 since he released the source code into the public domain, it should be easy to see what he has done. Come on boys, make it happen, this looks amazing!


Here is his post on Pinside and Reddit:




New member
Feb 28, 2012
Just use a DK2, no cabinet required:

Farsight, needs to integrate this devs code into their Pinball Arcade config file for Dk2 since he released the source code into the public domain, it should be easy to see what he has done. Come on boys, make it happen, this looks amazing!


Here is his post on Pinside and Reddit:



That looks so awesome! :p


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yup. Awesome.
As said before' I am ready to dump my cab an just use vr and controller if this is working good.
Ah wait, ... there's pro pinball and vp which can't use it. OK I'll keep it for a while.

Farsight come on!


New member
Jan 26, 2014
If the guy is able to intercept camera controls, maybe he can use that to make a proper cabinet cam view for us non VR cab owners :)


New member
Jun 10, 2013
If the guy is able to intercept camera controls, maybe he can use that to make a proper cabinet cam view for us non VR cab owners :)

I'd also like to see Farsight add more camera control in the table exploration mode for pro owners as well. Being able to rotate the camera left and right and being able to look at the side art on the table. Shouldn't be hard to implement.

Is it because the room the table is in has unfinished black spaces? That's ok with me.

You can fill those black spaces with this picture for all I care.



New member
Aug 20, 2014
Been playing the Kickstarter comp this week. Struggle with the Twilight table, love the Terminator table and although I was never that keen on the Star Trek table, now that I understand it better, it's pretty good actually. Im playing it on IOS and enjoying it...but it would feel so much better if it was being played in a cabinet! Thumbs are great, but I wanna use my fingers to press them flipper buttons, and shake the table to give it a real nude, rather than trying to extend my little finger to touch the top of the ipad in the hope that the nudge will register, only to find that I suddenly cant see the screen and lose my ball! And to blast 'BIG POINTS' out of some decent size cabinet speakers, rather than listening to 'big points' distorting my ipad speaker, though to be fair, not sure that Arnolds idea of big points is the same as my idea of big points! :)

FS, if youre reading this, I know you've probably heard this asked A 100 times before, but hows it going with the cabinet mode? Is it gonna happen soon, or is it a million miles off. Im not moaning, im just excited to know if itll happen any time soon, then at least I can get to work on building my cab! Keep up the good work, and hopefully i'll be playing TPA on my cab v soon. :)


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I missed the Twitch feed today because I had to work late. I saw that there was a comment from a poster on FB that Bobby was there and talked about there being legal hurdles with cab support. Did anyone catch this and if so did he indicate what they were? This doesn't sound good.....:rolleyes:

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
I have been a Farsight supporter but I have to say the only way I can see that adding cab support creates legal hurdles is if they plan to charge for it (so the revenue stream wouldn't match anything previously negotiated). Adding backglass support is not different than providing a different camera view, except this one is on a separate monitor. If supporting ledwiz etc is defined as a mod which is outside their contract ok, then the hell with these, but at least provide backglass support! If it is due to a different revenue stream, that should be a non issue since Farsight posted previously they wouldn't be charging for it (though I am willing to pay!)

I have had your back Farsight but this is starting to stretch credibility. Hopefully this is a misrepresentation of what was said, looking forward to an official clarification on this.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I have been a Farsight supporter but I have to say the only way I can see that adding cab support creates legal hurdles is if they plan to charge for it (so the revenue stream wouldn't match anything previously negotiated). Adding backglass support is not different than providing a different camera view, except this one is on a separate monitor. If supporting ledwiz etc is defined as a mod which is outside their contract ok, then the hell with these, but at least provide backglass support! If it is due to a different revenue stream, that should be a non issue since Farsight posted previously they wouldn't be charging for it (though I am willing to pay!)

I have had your back Farsight but this is starting to stretch credibility. Hopefully this is a misrepresentation of what was said, looking forward to an official clarification on this.

Agreed! This is extremely disappointing to hear. I too would be willing to pay for this. I supported the KS for Addams Family because I wanted to see the KS go through. However, I am going to hold off on a Season 4 purchase until there is clarification or progress on this. I don't understand what the potential issue could be either.

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