will TPA work with iOS7?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I don't foresee any compatibility issues. What worries me more is a performance hit using the newer iOS. The performance of TPA suffered (on the lower-end devices like iPad 2) when users updated to iOS 6.x.x (from 5.x.x). The iOS 7 is update quite large (I believe ~1.2GB in size) if downloaded OTA (over-the-air) so available memory on the device will be reduced. By adding more "fluff" and "pretty visuals" (etc) to the mix, I have a feeling the low-end compatible devices (iPhone 4, iPad 2) may suffer even more of a performance hit (although those devices won't have the full feature set available to them). Hopefully, the newer devices will not have issues.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
It has apparently now been released to some devices via OTA (over-the-air) update. From what I hear, not yet as far as updating through iTunes.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
The OTA downloads are probably varying in size according to the device. I've seen a screen shot of one device (don't know which) offered the download with a size of ~1.2 GB but personally, my iPhone 5's OTA update is listed at 752 MB.

I'm personally waiting to update later tonight or tomorrow via PC & iTunes. I don't really trust the larger OTA updates being downloaded wirelessly.
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
Hmm not sure if I want to update to iOS7.... Battery life is lowered.

Think I will stick to iOS6... for now



New member
Mar 26, 2013
I have been running tpa with iOS 7 since beta one, and have had no issues on either my iPhone 5 or iPad mini with it.

Same here, had the Beta for my iPad 2 and it ran perfectly fine.

Got the iOS 7 update for my iPhone 5 a little bit ago, runs fine on there too.

Just remember to back up your local data (remotely) beforehand through the Options menu as it erased mine during the upgrade and I had to restore it.
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
I never even considered that TPA might not work with iOS 7. I don't see why anyone would be worried about that.


New member
May 12, 2013
After playing a few games I can confirm that TPA runs just as well on 7 as it did on 6 on my iPad 3. I can also confirm that I still really, really suck at CPUB.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
After playing a few games I can confirm that TPA runs just as well on 7 as it did on 6 on my iPad 3. I can also confirm that I still really, really suck at CPUB.
is your top score worth more than 12 HOF points? that's all i get for my 20 million, beat that!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Can't run the Zac pinball app with ios 7. According to Zsolt there is a fix coming that should be in the App Store next week.

Edit: Some have reported no problems running the Zaccaria app after the ios update. I'm going to wait until the app update comes out just to play it safe.
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New member
May 18, 2012
Dramatic stuttering issues with Black Hole. It was perfect on iOS5, bad on iOS6, and unplayable on iOS7. Many tables have framerate issues, TOTAN, TOM, MB, TZ, ST:TNG and so on, and so on.. iPad2 and absolutely 0 confidence FarSight will ever fix these issues. Wasted money.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Performance with ios7 on iPad 3 seems to be ok. There may be a slight slowdown in some tables with the ball seeming a bit floaty...but otherwise all is normal.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
My fear is that they will force you to update. I have an Ipad2 and am still on IOS5 with no desire to update. Why should I bother if my Ipad can't use the new features?



New member
Oct 5, 2012
I'm hearing of many with performance issues on the iPad 3 & 4 under iOS 7, and this is not even running TPA. I'm currently at 6.1.0 on my iPhone 5 and 6.1.3 on my iPad 3, iPad 4 and iPad mini. I'm holding off on iOS 7 on all the iPads for now until more is revealed on how these device are running with iOS 7. I already have stutter issues on Whirlwind on the iPad 4. I may update the iPhone 5 to iOS 7 simply because it's not really used for TPA very much. In a way, I really dislike these iOS updates that are supposed to make your devices so much better but end up just taxing your iDevice even more than before. It's great to have bells and whistles but when they start to affect performance, that's when I tend to hold off on updating. Seems like iOS 7 is meant for future devices (like the iPhone 5S) and other, lower-end devices will now be lucky to run it as well as iOS 6.
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