Would you like to see original tables?

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
I'd like to see them make original tables. I don't care if it's within The Pinbal Arcade or made a separate game. I do wonder if it'll cost more or less than emulating existing tables though.


New member
May 4, 2012
If the TPA team designed some original tables (a custom made table instead of recreation of the real pinball machine) would you buy them?
I originally said "no way" to this, and I still feel that way, except... I saw one Future Pinball (?) table on youtube that had like a hundred drop targets in the center, that raised up in different patterns, and it looked awesome. I really wanted to play a nice version of it. So I would be OK with TPA having, say, one non-real table a year, if it was the very best of what the world of VP/FP designers had come up with (and not necessarily designed by the Farsight team).

I will guess that the -next- top pinball sim, in like ten years, will have original tables that are as good as the best real tables.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
It needs to be a seperate app no matter how you slice it.

If you include it in the Pinball Arcade then the entire mission statement changes. The entire slogan changes. It's no longer "Real Pinball" "The Pinball Arcade features exact recreations of the all-time greatest pinball tables from Williams®, Bally®, Stern®, and Gottlieb® together in one game. Every flipper, bumper, sound effect, and display pixel has been painstakingly emulated in astonishing detail!" They'd have to change all that.

I think it's a great idea for a seperate game. Jumbling it in with Pinball Arcade though? I just don't like the idea at all.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
somewhere far far down the road I would also like to see originals - if they offer arcade quality and feel as if they could have been real games.
But until TPA is polished some more and offers stuff like proper cabinet support new UI, DX11 and so on I would not really like to see them work on Originals.


Mar 25, 2013
The sooner they do originals the better. That way we can start seeing some great tables like:

The Oddums Family
Lord of the Rungs
Booby King's Dracula

So bring it on!


New member
Jul 6, 2012
We need a "Nugent 2: Loaded for Bear" or something. Or "Ted Nugent vs. Hillary and her Never-ending Breadsticks at the Olive Garden with a side of Driveway Cheese"

...with Special Guest Appearances by Evel Kneivel and Dolly Parton.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
We need a "Nugent 2: Loaded for Bear" or something. Or "Ted Nugent vs. Hillary and her Never-ending Breadsticks at the Olive Garden with a side of Driveway Cheese"


Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I would definitely buy original tables if they were on a different app than The Pinball Arcade or Pinball After Dark. Have some tables designed by the Farsight team and the rest would be Kickstarter tables designed by all the legends with them receiving most of the money for their new tables.

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