Stern Star Trek is officially on the way.

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I hope the warp ramp is a playfield multiplier like Doctor Who. I doubt it's a dead end, it looks like it goes into the backbox like in Lord of the Rings. Although I can't tell where it re-enters the playfield so I could be wrong.

Layout looks good, hopefully that translates well in real-life. I also hope there is a shaker motor. After paying Jurassic Park for the first time the other day, that is an awesome feature. :)

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
It's an absolutely beautiful playing field. I just love the colours they used and in how they arranged it all. It's a very inviting looking table.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I hope the warp ramp is a playfield multiplier like Doctor Who. I doubt it's a dead end, it looks like it goes into the backbox like in Lord of the Rings. Although I can't tell where it re-enters the playfield so I could be wrong.

I think it doesn't re-enter. Instead it'll be collected and deposited below the playfield and a new ball will shoot out of the top right and be fed to the right flipper. So same combo shot as STTNG, but instead of the ball travelling across the table in a habitrail, it will appear to "warp" across the gap. That's my hope, anyway.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Seems like balls are deposited underneath the Vengeance. I wouldn't be surprised if that drop target goes down and the ship shoots them at you during multiball.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
At first I thought the playfield art was pretty naff, but it's growing on me in its simplicity now.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Looks somewhat uninspired. Just a rehash of the original st:tng design to the point of the warp and quadrant ramps are in identical locations. Plus what do quadrants even have to do with the new movies? They are not part of the new films at all. That was more of a tng/da9/voyager thing.

Not to say the game will be bad. Will probably be very fun if it is similar to the tng table. Looking forward to it one way or another.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Looks somewhat uninspired. Just a rehash of the original st:tng design to the point of the warp and quadrant ramps are in identical locations. Plus what do quadrants even have to do with the new movies? They are not part of the new films at all. That was more of a tng/da9/voyager thing.

Well Alpha and Beta are the closer ones if my understanding is correct while Delta and Gamma were definitely the TV series thing. Otherwise, I think they were trying to have some naming thing that was relevant to the universe though 'Abramsland' is out of the same time continuity.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Nice open playefield. X-men and Avengers seemed very cluttered though I hadn't had a chance to play either because they aren't even around in the wild.

As for Getting this on TPA? Highly Doubtful not until it runs it's cycle. I'm looking forward to Spiderman, IronMan and others after LOTR get's evetually released for TPA. If that will eve happen because of the license costs.

Looks cool. wish there was gameplay for it.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Am I the only person who saw this and thought immediately *Stern/Pinball Arcade cross title*.

If that is the case; man would that be smart. As Gary Stern himself said Ripleys coming out for Pinball Arcade spurred the collectors price to go up.

Very smart (and very awesome) if true.

Would also be awesome for pinball tournament players since they'd have a detailed rule guide to work with.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Am I the only person who saw this and thought immediately *Stern/Pinball Arcade cross title*.

If that is the case; man would that be smart. As Gary Stern himself said Ripleys coming out for Pinball Arcade spurred the collectors price to go up.

Very smart (and very awesome) if true.

Would also be awesome for pinball tournament players since they'd have a detailed rule guide to work with.

Nope, I've been thinking this all along. Nobody has been able to get Bobby to spill on Stern teaming up with TPA, other than there have been talks. Then you have Gary making the Ripley's comment, and most recently we've had Bobby saying Metallica might be a possibility, unlike all the other music based tables. I believe there is something there, and it's only a matter of figuring out the Rom emulation.

It would be so easy to include a digital license within Stern's contract, and would cost a fraction of getting for FarSight. It's nothing but advertising for Stern, and absolutely would not harm sales of physical machines, as most people can't afford them anyway, but might increase sales as people would be essentially demoing them virtually. It's just such a win-win, for everybody involved. Hoping this isn't just some fevered pipe dream I'm reading too much into!


I have read that this will be using a new board set, but has anyone read what that will be?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Lets get this conspiracy rolling. Maybe that is why we don't see any actor's faces on the playfield? Vastly different than say Avengers style. Hmmm


I don't mean the playfield. I am talking about the controllers. Stern has previously been using S.A.M. systems and from what I have read this will be their first non S.A.M. game since the mid 2000s


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I don't mean the playfield. I am talking about the controllers. Stern has previously been using S.A.M. systems and from what I have read this will be their first non S.A.M. game since the mid 2000s

I get you. I was referring more to SYT's post. Sorry, I should have been more clear.

But your post is also interesting. I hadn't considered the system the pin is running. Hopefully Stern will release more info in the next few days.

Wasn't this pin supposed to have an LCD display? Or was that just rumor?

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