The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Does anyone have any idea what the rewards are for the top 10 in the tourney? KS backers would already get the gold edition with a pledge of $75 from what I understand. Is it a real table.. Haha, but how sweet would that be?


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Why don't you ...




New member
Sep 2, 2012
May ask every backer to pass on his next frappucino/triple shot espresso/hell, even beer! and up his/her pledge $3?

Thanks ;)


New member
Jun 1, 2012
WTF - There was about 10K to run on it this morning and now it's passed the goal?

What happened there then? - Promo? or more bogus donations?

Ah right - Never mind.


New member
May 29, 2012
We just gotta keep spreading the word and get more legit backers, adding more to the total and padding the eventual cushion to stave off these trolling backers.

That said, it is time FarSight step away from the negotiating table/meeting room/etc., and say something, at the very least a cheering on to keep the real pledges coming.

EDIT: And just as I say that, there's an update.
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Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Apparently that was a false pledge. How irritating.

I'm a little disappointed BttF wasn't announced alongside things, but I'll keep my fingers crossed on that. Who knows, maybe they have something even better lined up?
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New member
Mar 17, 2012
Anyone else fell 'narked' that Christopher Lloyd likeness is a stretched goal?......this should be included in the current goal.

If they announce that as a stretched goal and we don't hit the target for Christopher Lloyd to be included in the table i will feel incredibly cheated

They should of iron the Christopher Lloyd license problem out before this table even went to KickStarter......yet again FS mess up
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New member
Jul 12, 2014
Anyone else fell 'narked' that christopher lloyd likeness is a stretched goal......this should be included in the current goal.

If they announce that as a stretched goal and we dont hit the target for christopher lloyd to be included in on the table i will feel incredibly cheated

Literally came here to write the same exact thing. Unless Lloyd's likeness stretch goal is tied to a BTTF table, it feels like we're being taken advantage of and extorted. I'd rather save the money for another KICKSTARTER than fill a multimillionaire's coffers wth what would amount to pocket change for him.

Also there was a bogus pledge. We are still six thousand under. I'm sure Farsight will correct it soon.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Literally came here to write the same exact thing. Unless Lloyd's likeness stretch goal is tied to a BTTF table, it feels like we're being taken advantage of and extorted. I'd rather save the money for another KICKSTARTER than fill a multimillionaire's coffers wth what would amount to pocket change for him.

Also there was a bogus pledge. We are still six thousand under. I'm sure Farsight will correct it soon.

That sucks about the bogus pledge. Could of swore that was a short time, within an hour that it made up the remaining amount so quickly.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Literally came here to write the same exact thing. Unless Lloyd's likeness stretch goal is tied to a BTTF table, it feels like we're being taken advantage of and extorted. I'd rather save the money for another KICKSTARTER than fill a multimillionaire's coffers wth what would amount to pocket change for him.

Also there was a bogus pledge. We are still six thousand under. I'm sure Farsight will correct it soon.

Which is what I'm still confused about. There are two possibilities: the troll or David who made the large pledge. If the latter turns out to be true by the last day, then it will be finished. He doesn't look like a troll to me; it could be that they can't afford the cost of transportation to Farsight's studio.

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