Request General Wish List Thread


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Hi there, I wanted to give my input on the options which I would like to see. I would like to see the game adjust for multiple replay theshold scores. (I.E replays at 600 million 1 billion etc). Also the ability to switch from "free" play to "credit play" using the previously earned credits.

these settings would be taken care of, if we had "coin door" settings / DIP switches (whatever you want to call them), which has already been requested =)


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Allow for Wizard Goals to be unlocked concurrently with Standard Goals

This was also an annoyance with PHOF; I really wish that you didn't have to unlock all of the Standard Goals before having access to the Wizard Goals at all. What's worse, you don't even have access to the Wizard Goals after completing the Standard Goals until you start a whole new game, which can make one of those rare "super games" seem like a complete waste.

Just the other day, I had a particularly nice game of TOM after struggling for a while. Finally got the last Standard Goal I was missing, and then I ended up completing the Grand Finale (surely among other Wizard Goals as well). But alas, because the Wizard Goals don't kick in until the game is over, I didn't get credit for it. I've since had two separate attempts that came up short, and it's just really irritating that the game is telling me that I haven't achieved something that I in fact have.

The same thing happened with TOTAN and Save the Princess later on (although Saving the Princess is much easier than finishing the Grand Finale.) It's particularly annoying when certain Standard goals are almost indisputably more difficult than some Wizard goals (for instance, getting Harem multiball is absolutely harder than getting 35 lamp spins or whatever that Wizard goal is on TOTAN.)

Ideally, I'd simply like to see the Wizard Goals listed from the beginning, just like the Standard goals, and just let them each be unlocked at any time. But short of that, at the very least they should trigger the scanning for Wizard Goals immediately upon finishing the Standard list, so there's never a situation where you don't get credit for something you actually did achieve.
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Tony C

New member
Feb 20, 2012
If you can only do it once, it is a fluke. Doesn't make you a wizard. Maybe the current wizard goals should be standard goals and you have to do each of them three times to complete the wizard level. Yes, harem multi ball is a super wizard goal, especially on a phone.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Yeah, it would actually also be cool if they kept a tracker of how many times you've met the goal conditions. That way the goals wouldn't just be a one-time forget about it thing; they could serve as a sort of log of how much you've played and how good you are. Instead of guessing how many times you've Saved the Princess, for instance, the game will tell you!


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
If I recall correctly, you are able to enter your initials on a Medieval Madness machine if you were particularly adept at destroying castles, rescuing damsels, smacking trolls, etc. I would like it if these stats were saved, whether it's an online leaderboard or just saved on your device/console of choice for your personal reference. People don't believe me when I tell them I have saved over 60 damsels, slain over 100 trolls or destroyed enough castles to battle for the kingdom 5 times in one game. My leaderboard score usually shuts them up though.

Moon Jump

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Epsilon's got the right idea. I'd much rather have all of the table goals at the very start of the game. When I tried to delete the app off my iPad 2 to see if I could get the Facebook leaderboards to work I had to play the games all twice so I could just get all the table goals again. I'd like to be able to just see if I could get them all in one shot and for stuff like Harem Multiball I could skip and work on the other goals I might not ever see.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
If I recall correctly, you are able to enter your initials on a Medieval Madness machine if you were particularly adept at destroying castles, rescuing damsels, smacking trolls, etc. I would like it if these stats were saved, whether it's an online leaderboard or just saved on your device/console of choice for your personal reference. People don't believe me when I tell them I have saved over 60 damsels, slain over 100 trolls or destroyed enough castles to battle for the kingdom 5 times in one game. My leaderboard score usually shuts them up though.
While I can't say I'm a frequent participant in the Battle for the Kingdom or that I've smacked down legions of trolls in one game, I like this idea. Every now and then on the Williams Collecton I'd see something like "Joust Clash #14" in an otherwise unremarkable game and would think "I wish the table would save this like the real one does." Or the 105M Multiball Madness I once racked up.

Epsilon's got the right idea. I'd much rather have all of the table goals at the very start of the game. When I tried to delete the app off my iPad 2 to see if I could get the Facebook leaderboards to work I had to play the games all twice so I could just get all the table goals again. I'd like to be able to just see if I could get them all in one shot and for stuff like Harem Multiball I could skip and work on the other goals I might not ever see.
Harem Multiball is not that hard to activate, now that they fixed the bug that plagued the Williams Collection. It's basically just 5 left loop shots at the appropriate times. See the Harem Multiball thread in the TotAN forum for details.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
For Xbox 360 my favorite view angles are as follows:

Black Hole : 2 - locked

Ripley's Believe It or Not! : 1 - locked

Theatre of Magic : 1 - locked (only table that doesn't have an angle I like, so I use this one)

Tales of the Arabian Nights : 1 - locked


This image is an example of the locked angle view I prefer and hope to see available on all tables.

Can someone from FarSight please ask Bobby King to have the view angle shown above available on all present and future tables (including Theatre of Magic which is missing this angle view at the moment) as this is the viewing angle that is most natural to me (and many others I would assume). Thanks.

I intentionally made a separate thread for this since it's something FarSight can easily add to the next tables update. Now it's buried in this thread and I'm not sure if anyone from FarSight has the time to comb through all these posts.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
pretty surprised noone has mentioned a Replay option. Great to review a nice shot or a bad shot, and a great opportunity to share your hiscore runs.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Wouldn't it be amazing if we were able to create and save our own custom camera angles?

I play a lot of sports games, and one feature I like in MLB games (that would translate perfectly to TPA) is that you can make your own custom hitting views. You can adjust the height, angle, and zoom to get it exactly where you want it, and then you just lock it in and save (you can actually save several different custom views to use as presets).

Something like this would be fantastic in TPA.

I'm with you on this one Jeff. All the tables already seem to be angle independent, so why not let us adjust the angle and zoom of each table to our own personal preference and save them. This would also make it easier on Bobby King since he wouldn't have to spend the extra time making multiple default angle views for each table. FarSight, please make this happen.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I intentionally made a separate thread for this since it's something FarSight can easily add to the next tables update. Now it's buried in this thread and I'm not sure if anyone from FarSight has the time to comb through all these posts.

Yeah, goforthewall is doing a great job with this list, but I agree it's nice to have separate threads too since this one thread is so long and some stuff might get overlooked. Separate threads work better for discussion as well....and if farsight wants to find specific details on one of the suggestions on the list, they'd have to dig through the whole thread to find the post.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Yeah, goforthewall is doing a great job with this list, but I agree it's nice to have separate threads too since this one thread is so long and some stuff might get overlooked, and separate threads work better for discussion as well.

I try to post all my requests in this thread, but features like set camera angles and the ability to toggle the multi-ball camera on/off need FarSight's immediate attention and I think that warrants them to having their own thread. It's all good though. :)

By the way, great job goforthewall...keep up the good work.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Better quality flyer scans
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but the flyer scans in this game are terribly low resolution. I'm guessing 150dpi/800px.
I'm sure they could manage better resolution scans of these and they obviously have obtained the rights to them so why not do them justice.

It seems to me like they scanned them with the notion that the player wouldn't be able to zoom in on them.

Background music w/ a Twist
I've also been pushing background music playing (in particular for the PS3 version & from the XMB) to Farsight since the days of their PHOF Facebook page.
I suggested they have a nice jukebox show up among the pins where you could create and save playlists. I knew this would be a long shot.
Anyway, I'd still be happy with just XMB music playing.

Long sessions of Black Hole would be much improved with some classic 80's tunes playing. :)

I'm still hoping they add this back in as it helps adds realism to the screen.

Pinball POV cam
OK, now that's just crazy! :p

Edit.. Thought of another that I've been requesting since the days of WPHOF. Farsight gave me a solid "Maybe sometime down the road"... So who knows?
vertical aspect ratio for console versions For those of us with rotatable monitors this is truly the way to play pinball.
I played the hell out of the PSP version and always preferred the vertical screen mode. It shows so much more playfield and just makes sense.

I don't think it would be too hard for them to incorporate this since they've already worked it out with all of the other portables. I know it may be a small percentage
of people that would utilize this, but for those of us that would, it makes a HUGE impact. It would be something that would make this light years better than ZEN's offering.

So please Farsight... Make this happen! I'll keep my monitor rotated
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Multiple/customisable camera views above all else (especially for multiball) but I have to agree with allowing music to be played in the background as well, except in my case I'm talking about iOS. Not being able to play music while flipping can harsh my zen!


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Not only do I want online multiplayer, I want turn based game play as it is in real life. I loose a ball, my opponent goes, I watch them as they play their ball, they watch me when it's my turn ... I want speach and video chat as well.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
How about inverted nudging for the casual pinball player that may find the proper form of nudging a little confusing.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I want to see the flipper mechanics tweaked a bit so that passing the ball properly during multiball and little touch passes are possible

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