New interface thoughts and comments.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I like the new interface, but I really wish you could use it in portrate mode. Constantly having to rotate my iPad is a bit of a pain.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I'm looking forward to seeing it on the consoles, but why would they release it without portrait mode? Why not wait to release it until it was actually finished?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I kinda think it could be a little better. I don't like that you still have to drag. If I see one on the right I want why cant I poke it and have it center to that one.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Music is definitely cool. Certainly beats hearing TOTAN all the time.

I'm guessing we're hearing a Pinball Wizard arrangement... Can't quite place some of the other themes.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
That is how it works.

On a Nexus 7 tablet and it's not working for me. At least on the new tables section. Never actually bought one on the tablet ... just kind of use it as a demo of the new stuff until the PS3 version comes. But the best I get is a click one table in the direction I poke.
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New member
Sep 14, 2012
Me too. It's almost the same as it was. Zen Pinball 2 did a great job of having a functional yet nice looking menu. I want that


New member
May 27, 2012
I guess I'm in the minority. I really like the new layout. I like seeing goals. I like seeing (and having easy access to) hall of fame scores. I like purchased tables being separated from unpurchased ones. I like the new Go Pro logo. I like being able to scroll through the tables much, much faster and more accurately. I like the fact that the tables are in alphabetical order. It could be a bit prettier, but the functionality is great.

Nik Barbour

I still wish it was just a grid of backglasses.

Me too - would have been better.

Can't believe it's been released semi finished. Looks cr@p if anyone gets a phone/tablet for Christmas, and discovers this game for the first time this month.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
The new layout is nice, except on tablets where I play portrait mode, then it's a mess of flipping back and forth. And it doesn't rotate properly because I hold my iPad with the home button on the left, while TPA gets stuck the other way. Sometimes it rotates, most of the time it doesn't.

I just wish it had a "Redownload purchases" and "Redownload tables" button in the Options screen.

Landscape is great for phones, not so much for tablets...

Though, the table names are truncated - NOT cool! You just get "Ripley's" or "Tales" or something like that. Please, spell out the full name!


New member
Dec 20, 2012
The new layout is nice, except on tablets where I play portrait mode, then it's a mess of flipping back and forth. And it doesn't rotate properly because I hold my iPad with the home button on the left, while TPA gets stuck the other way. Sometimes it rotates, most of the time it doesn't.
This was my first thought as soon as I loaded up the new version. It's not entirely awful, but I would prefer a portrait mode layout for t

Worf said:
Though, the table names are truncated - NOT cool! You just get "Ripley's" or "Tales" or something like that. Please, spell out the full name!
This only bothers me a bit, but I would rather get the full names.


New member
May 18, 2012
I'm sorry to say, but the new menu is a step backward

apart from the ugly icons and landscape-mode-only I can not see a lot of advantages over the old one

I was hoping for a complete overhaul of the old interface, especially a better way to browse all the tables I already own and leaderboards that are not a pain in the ass




New member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm sure Farsight are trolling poor Mac users with the new UI!

The first screen for entering the table menus/options is an outrageous crime against graphic design - someone must have done the graphics in Microsoft Paint or several minutes in Photoshop.

The table selection carousel, I can live with it. A grid would have been better, as people have already said.
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Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
My thought when I saw the buttons "Hello 90s web buttons!"

I'd also like a portrait menu system.

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