Bug Android Version 1.7.0 Bugs And Feedback

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New member
Jun 4, 2012
The Big Shot HUD Scaling is even worse on a 7" screen.

I noticed the same thing. I cannot play Big Shot on my Nook any more without turning off the HUD, as it is too large now.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Just experienced the clear ball issue on Sacred Stiff. Did not have it till I went into Pro Mode on this table.


I got the clear ball issue on NGG, but it was the captured balls that were clear. I can't tell for sure if the skinned ball I was using is maybe not as opaque as it should be :-/



New member
Jun 4, 2012
So I have been plaing Scared Stiff and I have run into some interesting items.

With Pro Mode turned off. When your game is finished it does not give you the end game screen and it sits there in attract mode. If you quit the game at this point you can start another game.

With Pro Mode enabled. When your game is finished it does not give you the end game screen and it sits there in attract mode. The difference here is that all buttons on the screen are disabled and you cannot get to the menu to quit the game. When I have seen this happen it is stuck in this mode till I kill it from menory. If I exit to my home screen and then start the game again it is still in attract mode for Scarred Stiff.

The other item that I have seen is where the DMD gets confused as to what mode it is in at times. I was in Terror From the Crate mode and it kept trying to jump up to the spider which it should not do. Also when I was in this mode I was able to lock a ball as well. Once this happened it exited me from TFTC mode and once the remaining ball drained it ended my turn. I was in Pro Mode when this happened, but my wife said she saw this happen to her when she was playing in normal mode as well.

The only option that I enabled in the coin door menu was to disable family mode.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
This should be a pretty big beta with TZ being such a complex table. I've created a Twilight Zone splinter thread for 1.7.0 so we can focus comments on this table, and report all other general table faults in this thread.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I can't seem to reset the ball texture to anything but a dull silver colour.

There doesn't seem to be an option to "revert to default" for the ball skins. This is needed.

Nik Barbour

The Big Shot HUD Scaling is even worse on a 7" screen.

I think it's the same for all devices in portrait view. My device is 3.7" screen.

Landscape now scales beautifully.

But all portraits have problems with either flipper encroachment or coverage.




Notice as well - the transparent ghost ball (landscape clip) (Halloween was last month guy's!)


I'm not sure if this is an art issue or a bug or what, but the plunger on fun house is totally jacked up.

This is reproducible, it happens 100% of the time, and it's easier to show than for me to even try and explain.
This screen if of the plunger in view 2, with the plunger pulled back as far as it will go. Can anyone else see anything wrong?


Nik Barbour

I'm not sure if this is an art issue or a bug or what, but the plunger on fun house is totally jacked up.

This is reproducible, it happens 100% of the time, and it's easier to show than for me to even try and explain.
This screen if of the plunger in view 2, with the plunger pulled back as far as it will go. Can anyone else see anything wrong?


Confirm the same problem.

I think the plunge 'view 2' legibility needs to be addressed across all tables though - some are barely readable.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
That FH plunge is something I've noticed for a while, makes hitting the skill shot even harder.


Confirm the same problem.

I think the plunge 'view 2' legibility needs to be addressed across all tables though - some are barely readable.

OK I thought I was tripping when I compared view 2 across tables. Take ESS and compare it to Taxi, there is a noticeable difference in the level of zoom and the detail that is seen by the user.

Time to dust off the PhotoShop skills and make a collage of 16 different plunger views. :cool:

Nik Barbour

OK I thought I was tripping when I compared view 2 across tables. Take ESS and compare it to Taxi, there is a noticeable difference in the level of zoom and the detail that is seen by the user.

Time to dust off the PhotoShop skills and make a collage of 16 different plunger views. :cool:

Excellent idea!

The TZ ver01 beta was the worst, the camera must have been 10ft away from the plunger. :D

Pop Sergeant

New member
Jul 26, 2012
Black Hole ( Teleporting Balls)



I don't recall who originally posted this on the beta(1) but after 10 games, 2 of them lengthy (~7 MIL) I've duplicated it twice.

In both instances it appears to be a "missing" back wall between the lock (left side) and the pop bumper (center).

First instance, a hard shot to the left of the pop-bumper jumped up onto the platform a skipped off the back of table resulting in a ball being placed back into the plunger.

Second instance, a very soft shot to the lock hugged the back wall and moved under the same platform - I saw it in a gap - and also exited out the back of the lower play field to be placed in the plunger trough.

The good news is at least they are not disappearing.

Obviously we can't see the architectural structure that is hidden behind play field structures or is out of frame but can someone ask an engineer to look at the back wall on the lower play field between the lock and the pop-bumper in the area (left) below the platform and (right) above the platform to see if there is either a missing wall structure or undefined physical attributes to the back wall in that area?

It is possible for the ball to reach those areas despite the platform.


Pop Sergeant

New member
Jul 26, 2012
Black Hole (lower play field) out hole blocked



I think this is related to multiple issues, including game ending locks where the 3rd ball is not sent to the plunger trough.

During multi-ball both my lower play field balls immediately drained together.

The gate was not open.

The table registered them both as drained from the lower play field.

The camera returned to the upper play field.

One was sent to the upper play field and drained as expected.

The ball previously locked in the upper play field was set loose.

Subsequently that ball was sent to the lower play field and drained.

At that point I could hear the two balls clicking together and no ball was sent to the upper gate and the focus remained on the lower table.

CALL ATTENDANT placed a ball back into the plunger on the upper table which I again sent down and lost ... repeating the exact same behavior.

This happened at least 6 times.

Eventually I locked a lower table ball and as expected a new ball was placed in the plunger.

So to recap. I have one locked (lower). One stuck out of sight in somewhere between the lower out hole and the trigger that would send it up. One ball (3rd) in plunger.

Yes, the inevitable happened (intentionally) and after repeating the lower play field - attendant call scenario I managed to light the upper lock and send the ball into it.

3 balls are now expended.

Call Attendant does not recognize a lost ball at this point.

Tilt, Quit and Game over with ball count less than 3 and an extra ball in queue.

Suggestion: Can someone ask an engineer to game two balls draining from the lower play field at the exact same time to see if a collision might occur that places one of them (it'd have to be the 2nd based on the sequence of events I observe, else the one ball would not behave as expected and get sent back up) that would force one of them into a position that would thereafter create a blockage where no other ball can pass between the lower drain and the trigger that sends a ball back up to the upper play field?

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Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
During a game pause and turn screen off of device. No matter what skin or table the ball will be transparent when you resume. The only way to make the ball normal is in the skin settings and then start a new game. I do want the transparency as skin though!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
During a game pause and turn screen off of device. No matter what skin or table the ball will be transparent when you resume. The only way to make the ball normal is in the skin settings and then start a new game. I do want the transparency as skin though!

+1 I noticed this as well yesterday, playing Twilight Zone

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Just had my first chance since the holiday to try out the new build. I can confirm the following:
Still getting to the Hall of Fame crash.
Have experienced the semi-transparent ball bug.
The HUD in Big Shot portrait mode is ginormous.

Aside from that, I'd like to point out that there is virtually no difference between view two and view three now with the newer angles. I think I kinda liked the old angles better. (In reference to TZ.)
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Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Camera's 3 and 4 are tangled. (at least with TZ). Sometimes camera 4 gets lost and the number at the top gets changed to 3. Play attention, you may not even notice it happen. 4 is sometimes is too zoomed out or not.


TOM seems to be getting worse with each release some how.

I just played 2 games and encountered 3 pretty serious bugs.

Vanish didn't make the ball "Vanish" to the plunger. it merely made a click and released the ball back down the left loop. [This only happened in 1 game]

Both of these happened in both games:
You can't shoot a ball into the left-centre loop, it will go in, then come back out. But the ball will come all the way through the centre loop through the right entrance.
The Multi Ball sequence didn't begin when the secret lock from the centre loop was achieved. The game 'recognized' it as a trunk hit, and began an illusion.
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