Beta (1.10.0 )

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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Thanks for all your effort with this build Ryan. While I did take a bit of a jab at you regarding the demo score cap, the general quality you ship us is pretty great for a beta.

Looking forward to better-angled play in landscape.

Really hope the high detail models are slated somewhere in the next few release cycles. Gagging for some super-crisp detail (although AFM is looking really schmick).

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Device: Nexus 7

OS: JB 4.2.1

Bug: On Genie, when the ball goes over the rollover and back down towards the plunger, if and only if the plunger is pulled back before the ball gets to the bottom, then when the plunger is released the ball just kind of jerks and the plunger must be pulled again. (What a horribly structured sentence.)

Frequency: 100%

Not a game-breaker by any means, but a bug nonetheless.


Device: Nexus 7

OS: JB 4.2.1

Bug: On Genie, when the ball goes over the rollover and back down towards the plunger, if and only if the plunger is pulled back before the ball gets to the bottom, then when the plunger is released the ball just kind of jerks and the plunger must be pulled again. (What a horribly structured sentence.)

Frequency: 100%

Not a game-breaker by any means, but a bug nonetheless.

The same thing happens if you try a soft plunge, it doesn't go onto the playfield and you have the plunger already drawn back.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Device: Nexus 7

OS: JB 4.2.1

Bug: On Genie, when the ball goes over the rollover and back down towards the plunger, if and only if the plunger is pulled back before the ball gets to the bottom, then when the plunger is released the ball just kind of jerks and the plunger must be pulled again. (What a horribly structured sentence.)

Frequency: 100%

Not a game-breaker by any means, but a bug nonetheless.

This behavior exists on most plunger tables.

Also, you can plunge the ball again without the ball touching the plunger at all. This behavior occurs when you don't plunge with enough strength and the ball rolls back down the plunger lane. As the ball nears the bottom of the plunger lane, plunge again. Magic happens, and the plunger reach doubles, sometimes triples.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk HD


This behavior exists on most plunger tables.

Also, you can plunge the ball again without the ball touching the plunger at all. This behavior occurs when you don't plunge with enough strength and the ball rolls back down the plunger lane. As the ball nears the bottom of the plunger lane, plunge again. Magic happens, and the plunger reach doubles, sometimes triples.

TOM is probably the worst for this behaviour, but Genie has more of a dead bounce where it seems to have to stop moving before you can re-plunge. Occasionally you can catch it at the right spot and hit it on a bounce. Haven't figured out where that spot is quite yet as, unlike TOM, the plunges don't get a weird rejection intermittently.

I wonder if this is more of a scripted table thing. Will have to try and remember to do some testing, but with 20+ tables now it's easy to get distracted, lol


I'm pretty sure the game ending bug about Total Annihilation has been reported, but this was a bit different.

I started Total Annihilation with the saucer shield down, hit the saucer a couple times but the hit that destroyed it suddenly made the HSTD appear.

The rest is as previously reported, however the next game began with the saucer shield down. I hit the saucer to get a Dirty Pool award, and then got the SOL hole to start saucer attack. But because the shield was already down. it went up and the DMD showed the regular saucer defence level and animation of the city they were attacking.

Totally game ending as when in attack mode fits on the shield don't count.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Ok phew here it is:

Bugs Fixed:
-The table of the month icon now shows properly (note this version also gives MM pro version for free).
-Star Trek, MM, and TZ were updated for localization.
-Total anihalation / super jets end game bug fixed.
-Cameras for Attack from mars and Genie are in.
-Attack from mars no longer requires plunger motion, just press as it should be, and holding down left flipper activates skill shot on plunge.
-New ui should be more stable upon rotation now.
-Back button re-implemented with the new UI.
-Big Shot hud scaled back a bit in portrait view.
-Fixed the login memory stomp bug that was causing a crash.
-demo score is back to normal.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
So after two days of furiously trying to buy the pro pack I found out that my credit card issuer approved my card with insufficient information and decided to cancel it. I'm very thankful to ne able to play some afm but can hopefully find some interim solution since google play gift cards aren't available in canada. I love artificial limitations.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Stock Nexus 7 gave me the black screen after 1 flip on the main menu. Seems good on table select though.

I know its a beta so I don't know if the art has been polished yet but AFM has one black seam across the middle and Genie has a lot of squares that aren't blended well. One spot between the flippers and quite a few around lights. Also looks like a exposed bulb hole near the left slingshot. Not sure if that means something is quite out of line over there...

Good fun though. Thanks
Last edited:


New member
Sep 11, 2012
It also appears that the "drain guard" in the TZ pop bumpers is now gone. :)

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
BUG: If Back-button on phone is pressed on main menu it exits game. Great!
But when you press the app to reenter app its just a black screen. same thing when holding home button for multitasking.

The app has to be killed inorder to resume after pressing the back key on device.

100% reproduced on REZOUND

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Strong Suggestion: keep white squared outline visible even while scrolling tables. Theres no reason for it to disappear while navigating tables.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Strong Suggestion: keep white squared outline visible even while scrolling tables. Theres no reason for it to disappear while navigating tables.

This Is a good idea. Bought afm thanks to my gf. Table is wonderful so far. Had some peeformance issues where the ball would stutter and the frame rate would drop until I wenr ro the homescreen and back into the app. I cleared all running tasks and notifications and that seems to alleviate it but have yet to get multiball since. I'll keep an eye out for that.


BUG: If Back-button on phone is pressed on main menu it exits game. Great!
But when you press the app to reenter app its just a black screen. same thing when holding home button for multitasking.

The app has to be killed inorder to resume after pressing the back key on device.

100% reproduced on REZOUND

Confirmed on Nexus 10 / os 4.2.1

This doesn't happen on Galaxy Tab 2 / os 4.1.1


Here's my list of things I noticed:

There is no Free table of the month logo or anything on MM to signify it is indeed the Table of the Month and that the Pro Mode is free for the month etc. or am I missing something? o_O

This is the closest to a game ending or UI breaking bug I found tonight: If you have your device set to auto rotate and have it positioned in inverted portrait perspective (fixed/natural landscape turned counter clockwise) when starting a table the perspective will be forced to portrait perspective (landscape turned clockwise). This will cause the table started to intermittently not load the "ROM", and then crash; in that order. Which means graphics of the physical table load, you see attract mode, but the DMD/Alphanumeric display doesn't show any display and there is no music/sfx. I have had this repeat twice on MM (on a Galaxy Tab 2/ os 4.1.1) and once on Fun House (on a Nexus 10 / os 4.2.1).

In AFM the "Launch Ball" button is tied to the right flipper action; this seems to be the case on most button launch games where the launch button has an in game function, except STTNG. Not sure if this has much, or any influence on game play. The table that really needs the flippers detached from the launch button first off would be HD, due to it's launch selection screen menu, much like STTNG.
The Collision mesh is still giving some odd drains/run backs off of the lock ramp and the right (atomic blaster) loop. I appreciate that this can be attributed to some randomness increasing. However, it makes for the ball going to the exact 2 spots. Either it is playable or it isn't. Maybe tone down on the kick and put in a spread of positions for some digital randomness? :-\ Is that possible? As it is you don't necessarily know where the ball will go. There will probably be a lot of complaints about this on FB and in the iOS/Play Store comments about "Bad Physics" etc.

Scrolling left in the leader boards from HOF will load an untitled page displaying HOF points. If you go one more page to the left to get to STTNG and then back to the right the untitled page doesn't appear. Instead you go straight to the HOF page.

Buttons still mapped wonky on Nexus 10 in portrait perspective.

Could we have that long camera 3 that was in the 1.10.0 build as another camera at some point?

There was something else but I totally forgot :(

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
BUG: If Back-button on phone is pressed on main menu it exits game. Great!
But when you press the app to reenter app its just a black screen. same thing when holding home button for multitasking.

The app has to be killed inorder to resume after pressing the back key on device.

100% reproduced on REZOUND

Had this happen once immediately after I installed the new build, but couldn't reproduce it. SGSII


New member
Sep 22, 2012
installed new build. Closed application and cleared cache. Restarted. Testing on Nexus 7 stock.

1) From main menu rotated screen twice and got the black screen. I can reproduce this 100%
2) From main menu, Select, "New Tables", then click TPA back button, then select "My Tables", then click TPA back button. Repeat 4-5 times and all the buttons disappear and you are left with yellow background as below. This was raised on previous build. I can reproduce 100%. A force close is needed to restart TPA and get back menu buttons.


3) as reported by netizen above. From main menu if you select Android back button, then application is minimized and you need to force close to recover.

4) Ryan, did you managed to speak to Bobby about the below issue?


this is still an issue and very frustrating. AFM is brilliant, really really good. But this issue kinda puts me off playing - surely it's an easy fix? I know it's going to annoy others too. I'd really like it addressed before it filters down to all the different release builds.

5) since the camera angle changes in this new drop, when I start multiball, the camera angle changes slightly. This didn't happen on previous build. I think I preferred the angles in the previous drop :)

6) Genie Bug - start a new ball. Minimize application using Android button. Go back to TPA. The ABCD rollovers are no longer lit, you have to start a new ball before they get re-lit. Reproduce 100% of the time.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
4) Ryan, did you managed to speak to Bobby about the below issue?

[insert weird ball trajectory diagram here]

this is still an issue and very frustrating. AFM is brilliant, really really good. But this issue kinda puts me off playing - surely it's an easy fix? I know it's going to annoy others too. I'd really like it addressed before it filters down to all the different release builds.

This is my *main gripe* at the moment, as well. The problem is that it happens seemingly randomly, so once you've adjusted to the ball collision it suddenly comes down the lanes *correctly* once again putting your expectations off. I have to admit though that my real RfM (which has pretty much the same layout) has the same issue because the guide rails are slightly bent at the ends. At least there it happens consistenly...
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