Challenge Mode Beta

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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Nexus 7 2012 / Stock KK 4.4.2 Rooted

Bug Description:
Played Gottlieb challenge, passed the first table BH, started on 2nd table HD, deliberately drained balls on all remaining attempts to test the behaviour of 'fail to complete challenge'.
Flash screen informed me I'd failed, pressing continue caused app to crash.

Steps To Reproduce: As above.

Frequency: occurred twice - 100%

Additional Comments: None.



At this point in the challenge, if you want to "rage quit" and get out of the challenge mode, there is no way to do it other than continue, and then quit out through the table menu.

I suggest adding a button that takes you back to the challenge main screen.

At this point, when you fail to meet the level goals couldn't the continue button renamed as exit/menu to take you to the challenge selection menu, and you would have the retry option to have another try at the table thus reducing your tries by one and allowing you to "continue" the challenge?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Thanks for the reports guys! The pc version was much easier =\

I am going to start addressing these and give you back another build today or tomorrow at the latest. The Farsight Login bug really confuses me, but I am not surprised I didn't see that, all of our testing so far has been on unlocked tables via the login, we don't buy our own tables ;)

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Good calll


At this point in the challenge, if you want to "rage quit" and get out of the challenge mode, there is no way to do it other than continue, and then quit out through the table menu.

I suggest adding a button that takes you back to the challenge main screen.


Thanks for the reports guys! The pc version was much easier =\

I am going to start addressing these and give you back another build today or tomorrow at the latest. The Farsight Login bug really confuses me, but I am not surprised I didn't see that, all of our testing so far has been on unlocked tables via the login, we don't buy our own tables ;)



Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Anyone else seeing this? I am actually not getting this bug, when I am not logged into the Farsight Account everything seems to be registering.

Nexus 7 - 2012 / Stock KK 4.4.2 Rooted

Bug Description:
If NOT logged into Farsight login, challenge mode allows you to start and play the challenge, you play the table but scores do not register (stay on 0.0), the challenge mode remembers you have played the table and progresses you to the next table in restart of the challenge. It all starts getting a bit broken.
I think you could do with a conditional at start of challenge, 'if not logged in, do not allow challenge to start'.

Steps To Reproduce:
described above


Additional Comments:

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Anyone else seeing this? I am actually not getting this bug, when I am not logged into the Farsight Account everything seems to be registering.

It could possibly have been the bug posted under post #17 on this thread, causing this issue if not reproducible.
Can't test it for you though till late tomorrow - New Year approaching fast, and getting quite pishky now.

Happy New Year!

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
ah that makes sense, i will fix 17 first then ;) And I feel ya, I have to be out of here in a couple hours to do the whole family thing. Never enough time in the day... Oh and Happy new year!

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
ah that makes sense, i will fix 17 first then ;) And I feel ya, I have to be out of here in a couple hours to do the whole family thing. Never enough time in the day... Oh and Happy new year!

Hunched in the corner of a party, pished, trying to Pinball on my phone (normally play on tablet) desperately trying to score the minimum progress score on BH (Gottlieb challenge) logged out .
Pinball and alcohol don't mix, scored 16k first attempt. Second, third and fourth were embarrassing.

Finally managed it. It does work logged out, scores above goal line do register. It must have been the #17 posted bug before I actually got a handle on what was really happening (must have been playing the Gottlieb challenge - only one that doesn't crash on complete with bug 17)

Back to the party - happy new year to you and yours! 2014 is gonna be awesome.


Jan 30, 2013
Happy new year guys!
Haven't had much time to test the challenge mode but completed the Williams challenge. No unreported bug occured. But only 19.4 points for 26 billion on Star Trek? That's tough.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
yeah thats way outta wack, our formula might not work for that table, ill forward this on to bobby. Any other tables too hard too easy?

I've potentially found an imbalance in the points awarded for the "Easiest Billion in History" in the Williams Challenge.

Do you thing that the points accrued are balanced for BoP, given this somewhat "gimme" billion?


As an aside, notice the table title and points run-in issue there.

I'd be perfectly happy with the response: "these spacing issues will be null when the new UI is pushed out". If that is the case, then don't worry too much about the spacing issues.

But do consider toning down the 2000 points earned for getting the billion.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Turns out there was a sneaky sound call back that was canceling the target score screen. At the end it should show the final score. The exit bug crash has been fixed in all cases I know of and the 0 Score thing is also fixed, another sneaky bug. The back and forth choosing challenges and weird Big Shot appearing bug is fixed.

I have a few more things UI related to do (add exit buttons basically)

Oh and the number of retries is equal to the number of tables in a challenge and is reset upon starting over.

In the Gottlieb & Stern Challenge: After you have finished the 2nd table challenge you are no longer presented the pre-table screen to tell you what the table challenge score level is. After you have finished ball three you are informed if you have successfully completed the challenge or not, and then you can continue or use a retry. However, if you quit, let it crash, then restart TPA, you can load your challenge where it left off, and then you will get the pre-table screen that gives all the challenge score info. IDK yet if this issue applies to all the challenges of just the Gottlieb & Stern one.

When it comes to retries, there is a limited number which is good. Does that number mean that limited number for that run at the challenge, and if you use up all the re-tries can you re-challenge the "Challenge" again? Will there be a total limit to the challenges, besides the number of times you can retry the tables within the challenge, or am I getting into the new UI and the Tokens idea too soon? Now that I have completed a challenge i see that going back to re-do it shows all the table sores as zero. But I am still curious about the in challenge retries, if you use some, or all, up will you have less, or any, when/if you retry the entire challenge over again?

Completing the final table in the Gottlieb & Stern challenge causes TPA to crash, same as when you pause and quit a game. Is there supposed to be some sort of message or UI screen to show a final score, or to tell you that the challenge is completed in total? After the 3rd ball you get the screen to show you your points for the table, but once you press continue, I didn't retry, that's when it crashes.

After completing the Gottlieb & Stern Challenge the first table in any other Challenge would always be Big Shot, the last table in the Gottlieb & Stern Challenge. This would continue until I exited TPA, went into settings, force stopped TPA and cleared the cache. Now starting any other Challenge the 1st table that loads is the shown on the list.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Turns out there was a sneaky sound call back that was canceling the target score screen. At the end it should show the final score. The exit bug crash has been fixed in all cases I know of and the 0 Score thing is also fixed, another sneaky bug. The back and forth choosing challenges and weird Big Shot appearing bug is fixed.

I have a few more things UI related to do (add exit buttons basically)

Oh and the number of retries is equal to the number of tables in a challenge and is reset upon starting over.

Awesome work Ryan. I'm assuming it is expected behaviour that no HOF points are calculated during challenge mode?


Jan 30, 2013
95.5 points for 40 mil on totan is a bit easy.

And just an idea, maybe end of game replay award could give an extra credit? At least there finally will be some way to make use of end of game random replay.


Jan 30, 2013
Don't know how it happened but playing the season 1 challenge ToM I realized mid game I was playing 2 player. Scored over 4 bil on player one and that's the score that was referred to after game but it said this wasn't enough so I got 0 points. ToM in season 1 challenge had a few other weirdness going on, when paused it can just oause without the option screen popping up, then when you hit pause again it pops up. Also after restarting the table once, it automatically restarts a new game if you don't score enough for points.
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