Distractions from pinball burn out.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
so since its been well over two and half years since tpa was released on most platforms, me like im sure alot of you like me have become little burnt out and in need of a flippin break! I try to avoid the ups and downs of tpa and zen etc and enjoy the game, but its hard not to feel alittle disgruntled with things so,etimes.

so lately ive been playing very little pinball except for inventing lnew klingon swear words as i play tng.

ive been getting my gaming fix elsewhere! i know im dispicable

over the years ive played my genres of games and found myself burnt out on the next fps or openworlds for the most part.

so withiut any furthur ramblings heres the five things ive been playing instead of tpa.

1. vvvvvv or v6 for short

this game reminded me of my love for platformers , such a simple idea but its pretty much as pure a gaming experience youll find in a modern game. difficulty - HARD!

2. suoer hexxagon

also from the creator of v six. if you ever considered youraself a twitch gamer this game will eat you alive... very much a game of machositc sadism but highky addictive and games are usually very short. difficulty BALLSWEEPINGLYHARD

3. ftl

faster than light is a rouge like space sim, basically every nerds chance to be the captain of whichever scifi ship thry can think of...personally i think i channel dave lister, deep fun and every game is different.
difficulty - Hard:)

4. damnmaku unlimited 2

your standard bullhell curtain shooter, very well made and if you like the sub genre of cave like shooters a must have for any tablet. difficulty medium

5. papers please

onky released on ios the ither day im loving this little game. your basically a border patrol agengt in an 80s era communist block country. your check visas passorts and work pwemits! it may not sound that compelling but the narritive and choices you make can have huge consuqences to you your family and even your co workers. stick it to the man or suck off jojo stalin your choice. pro tip screw the nosey neighbours.

ok so if anyone has any other suggestion alone these lines let me know, thry are all small replayble generally hard games , heh alittle pinball i guess

what are you playing because of burnt out?


New member
Sep 22, 2013
1. Castlevania: SOTN that is unlocked from Dracula X Chronicles for PSP, on my Vita. SOTN might be my favorite game from the PS1. There's so much to do, and find, and it's just fun.

There's a lot to be said about games that just get it right instead of becoming overly complex and convoluted.

2. Justice League Heroes for PSP, on my Vita. It's a top-down "Diablo-style" brawler that uses the DC license really well. You can power up and almost endlessly customize your characters abilities. Also, it's made by Blizzard.

3. God of War Collection(naturally) for the Vita. Probably the most satisfying combat in any game ever.

4. Dead Nation for, you guessed it, the Vita. Who doesn't love to waste zombies? Building up your armor and weapons is fun too.

If it's not obvious by now, I like action/adventure games that have some RPG elements.


New member
May 16, 2012
For a quick game: The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth. The remake of the twin-stick shooter that made roguelites fashionable.

For wasting whole weekends: Endless Legends. Closer to Alpha Centauri than Civ:BE will ever be, even after it will have gotten the two obligatory expansions.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well, I am playing Dragon Age Inquisition a lot. Nowhere near burnout yet but it is very grindy. And very resource-collecting-intensive.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Aside from staring lustily at Melanie Sykes in the jungle, this month I have mostly been playing 'Infinite Flight'.

Available on iOS and Android for about £3.something, this constantly amazes me that an almost fully featured Flight Simulator will run on a mobile device with this level of graphics. (Panning around in the cockpit just blows me away.)
It even has an additional paid 'Live' server where you can fly with others.
Awesome dev team too, with lots of new stuff coming soon.


New member
Sep 4, 2014
I fire up MAME and have a round or two with some classic 80s consoles: Star Wars (hands down the best vector game ever created), Galega, Defender and Tempest.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Metroid Prime (I have a thread elsewhere specifically for it).
I also just got a Wii U and me and my daughter are playing Super Mario 3D World.

I'm checking out a few demos but the Wii U is such a refreshing experience. And it's got such cool features.

I drive my GF around a lot and just to have fun, I think I'm going to bring it with me so I can play at various McDonald's and Tim Horton's' (supposed to be Horton'siz) that I tend to wait at, and just use the gamepad as a screen.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Metroid Prime (I have a thread elsewhere specifically for it).
I also just got a Wii U and me and my daughter are playing Super Mario 3D World.

I'm checking out a few demos but the Wii U is such a refreshing experience. And it's got such cool features.

I drive my GF around a lot and just to have fun, I think I'm going to bring it with me so I can play at various McDonald's and Tim Horton's' (supposed to be Horton'siz) that I tend to wait at, and just use the gamepad as a screen.

Wait. What?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Wait. What?
Lol as ungainly as it sounds. A lot of games on Wii U support off tv play and will mirror the game onto the game pad screen.

Most mcdonalds and Tim Hortons locations are increasingly mobile friendly and offer free wifi (doubt I'll use that though) and have plugs near most seats. I will simply plug in the console and plug in the ac adapter for the game pad and play. At a table in a timmies or mc d's while waiting for my gf to finish with her clients (she's a psw).

If I don't feel like going to said places. I have a power inverter in my car and could also in theory just play there

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