Parting Thoughts for Farsight and Fellow Posters

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I only got to read like halfway down and skimmed. I'm afraid to see what's in store.
Translation: He got about halfway down, saw my Powerfield avatar next to a five paragraph post with his comments on TZ's difficulty quoted, and chickened out!

Just kidding!

Welcome back, Mark. Shall we call it a draw on the difficulty discussion, since we both know now it never actually made any difference?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Hey Mark, no worries. The nice thing about a new year is we can all turn a new leaf over and leave the past in the past. I'm definitely glad you're sticking around. Farsight needs all the feedback they can get, and, as someone else said, the world would be a very boring place if we all agreed all the time.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Glad you came back. I knew you couldn't stay away. It's in your blood. One of of of us...


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Well I for one am not forgiving him. I have nothing against Mark. I just wanna be a contrarian.
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Translation: He got about halfway down, saw my Powerfield avatar next to a five paragraph post with his comments on TZ's difficulty quoted, and chickened out!

Just kidding!

Welcome back, Mark. Shall we call it a draw on the difficulty discussion, since we both know now it never actually made any difference?

Pretty much. I'm happy just letting them do what they do. They do terrific work.

The only tables on PBA that I can compare to real life, because we have working ones here, are Party Monsters and MM. Party Monsters on PBA plays so similar to the real thing that it's scary. Down to weird little quirks, they did an incredible job. So I'm not going to second guess their work. Star Trek is hard and I love it, it's all good really. I over reacted plain and simple.

If they go back and make TZ harder, that's not a big deal to me. I almost have crossed to your side, because I'll be dead honest I enjoy Star Trek way more than TZ and difficulty is a big reason why. I still am not going to say it's a good idea though, because my sister for example was getting eaten alive at Star Trek, but enjoyed all the other tables a lot, including TZ. So the argument is still to be made. We'll see what happens as more tables release.

Thanks everyone for all the welcoming and kind remarks.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Well once they take out that extra bumper in the lower pops, that alone will increase the difficulty.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I think we are all lifers. I have posted some rants before myself, but I am not about to throw it in by any means.
Good times are ahead. Can't wait for the pc release and seeing the progress made on that platform. I can see myself buying a cabinet for it once they get it all fine tuned.


Feb 28, 2012
I've been a FS fan from the beginning and supported the TZ Kickstarter, but reading more and more of this makes me realize that our ways must part soon. I'm not sad for the money spent, but for the missed opportunity to actually release one of the best emulations ever. No more money from my pocket.

Nik Barbour

I've been a FS fan from the beginning and supported the TZ Kickstarter, but reading more and more of this makes me realize that our ways must part soon. I'm not sad for the money spent, but for the missed opportunity to actually release one of the best emulations ever. No more money from my pocket.

What is it with lemming December? - you could at least have the decency to start your own thread and write an 8 page dialogue like the others did - this is just a lazy way of leaving - put some passion in it! :)

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