Tell Farsight, We Want the Sequels!!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
What's the fun in having Black Knight, but not Black Knight 2000?

What's the fun in having Dr. Dude, but not Party Zone?

What's the fun in having Whirlwind without Earth Shaker?

HighSpeed without Getaway?

You get the idea.

I feel like part of the fun on Pinball Arcade is looking at how pinball has progressed over the years. And what better way to do this than to include sequel boards.

I feel Jack*Bot has to happen. It just sucks only having 2 of the tables out of the trilogy, especially when Jack*Bot is without question the best of the bunch.

What do you guys think?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I feel Jack*Bot has to happen. It just sucks only having 2 of the tables out of the trilogy, especially when Jack*Bot is without question the best of the bunch.

I agree with the idea of thread, and not to pee on your bonfire or anything, but Jack*Bot is actually the lowest rated of the 3 on both Pinside and IPDB. That said, I think it needs to be in TPA as well.


'Party Zone' is more than just a Dr Dude sequel, it contain characters from previous games:

The Party Animals from Bally Midway's 1987 'Party Animal' and
the Party Monsters from Midway's 1989 'Elvira and the Party Monsters'
the Party Dudes from Midway's 1990 'Dr. Dude' all meet on this game at the Cosmic Cottage.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I would much rather have had Black Knight 2000 than BK. After the audio of Dr Dude, I'm not in any hurry to see Party Zone. Earth Shaker is just as awesome as Whirlwind in my book. High Speed and Getaway, we need at least one of these in the near future. As for Jack*Bot, please give us one of the rollercoaster themed pins before we hit the third Bot pin. Not gonna cry if we don't see T3 either, T2 will suffice if we are lucky enough to make the kickstarter.
Just my thoughts on sequels.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Don't forget Centaur II. :p < The previous smiley is to indicate that I am not serious.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I'm willing to buy the BK/BK2k two pack without complaint even though I already paid for BK. Worth it.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Good idea, however, some gamers might get burned out buying too similar Pinball tables, especially those sequels that have the same layout.

For example, Pinbot and Jackbot have identical layouts, as do High Speed and Getaway. However, Bride of Pinbot is a completely different table from Pinbot, and IMO the better of the two. I understand that manufacturers occasionally recycled layouts in order to reduce cost (multiple tables use the same parts = cheaper to build/repair). I really don't believe that JackBot will add anything substantial to the Pinball Arcade. I think we desperately need either High Speed or Getaway in the collection. Which one, I have no idea. I played the NES version of High Speed, which would be a really fine pinball sim were it not for all the stupid "hazards" that were not part of the original table. For tables with the same layout, I'd go with whichever was the most successful in the arcades. For Pinball sequels with truly unique layouts, for example Pinbot / Bride of Pinbot, or Elvira / Scared Stiff, both tables should be featured in The Pinball Arcade. And IMO Farsight needs to group future table packs into themes rather than release two completely unrelated tables in the same pack and force customers to buy both.

Sadly, I didn't play much pinball growing up, so I don't have any nostalgic preference for one table as opposed to another in most cases. I am just becoming a pinball addict through the virtual recreations and crave more of them. I'd also love to walk into a bar or arcade and play a real table, but sadly it doesn't seem likely.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
I played the NES version of High Speed, which would be a really fine pinball sim were it not for all the stupid "hazards" that were not part of the original table.

Pretty much the reason I'm not fond of that one. At least the NES Pin*Bot had the decency of not throwing a ball-eating hazard on the first level.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I would pay for Centaur II. You can never get enough Centaur . It's like sex... but better.
unless your joking you do realize centaur and centaur 2 are the same exact playfield / ruleset only difference was design of back box . Centaur 2 was half height centaur one was full height.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
unless your joking you do realize centaur and centaur 2 are the same exact playfield / ruleset only difference was design of back box . Centaur 2 was half height centaur one was full height.

If he was joking, too late. I already made the joke up at post #5. But considering it's DarthVonDoom, I'm not so sure.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
I feel like part of the fun on Pinball Arcade is looking at how pinball has progressed over the years. And what better way to do this than to include sequel boards.

Well, for me it's enough to see that in completely different tables. I mean, look at Central Park vs. Taxi vs. Ripley's believe it or not etc.

What do you guys think?

If I wanted to play sequels, I'd play Call of Duty :p

No, seriously - I prefer variety over collecting series. And I prefer Farsight to invest their limited development time in completely different tables rather than in similar ones like High Speed and High Speed II. One of them would be perfectly fine for me.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I'm a fan of completing the sets, so I'd be in for sure. I'd also like to see the roller coaster series (Comet, Cyclone and Hurricane).


does this mean we should get every version and variation of Eldorado too, seeing as there is the call for sequel completions?

Eldorado, Canada Dry, Lucky Strike, Gold Strike, Target Alpha, Solar City and Eldorado: City of Gold.

That's a lot of one layout!

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