The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE


Apr 7, 2014
Yep pretty sure he's the same guy. He was in a few tournaments a while back posting fake scores until farsight kicked him out.
According to what he said on the Farsight Facebook page he was trying to prove that everybody else was cheating by proving it possible.

Yup, that would be him.

He also use to be under "Failsight", like the giant toolbox that he is. lol


New member
Jul 29, 2013
TPA announcement on steam for those who haven't seen it yet

"The Addams Family will be released in February 2015, should the Kickstarter succeed. Stretch goals? None yet, but we're looking at the Simpsons Pinball Party next."


New member
Dec 18, 2013
Maybe we should start a new thread called "Moo"
That's all we seem to be talking about lately lol


New member
Oct 26, 2013
TPA announcement on steam for those who haven't seen it yet

"The Addams Family will be released in February 2015, should the Kickstarter succeed. Stretch goals? None yet, but we're looking at the Simpsons Pinball Party next."
Simpsons pinball party? Awesome.
I just fear for the price of the kickstarter.
Simpsons being a huge licence and all...


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
...and the $9,000 joke pledge just got pulled, but the Kickstarter is still in good shape and on track to be fully funded.


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Hopefully we get well over the 97k goal and that will go towards TSPP


I think we will, if they had some more info about the announcement regarding TSPP they made earlier they would definitely overshoot the 97k mark. Although i wonder how many people who play and support TPA are willing to keep donating rather large amounts to these highly priced kickstarters


New member
Dec 18, 2013
I though we could reach the goal by this weekend.No chance now Back to 61k.
Anyways we will get there eventually


New member
Jun 1, 2012
There's still 3 weeks to run on it and FarSight have yet to make any further announcements that will help boost its visibility and total (potential stretch goals etc.) - It's still a healthy 62% funded so I wouldn't be overly concerned yet ;)


New member
Dec 18, 2013
There's still 3 weeks to run on it and FarSight have yet to make any further announcements that will help boost its visibility and total (potential stretch goals etc.) - It's still a healthy 62% funded so I wouldn't be overly concerned yet ;)

They need to announce some new incentives so people would pledge more.Maybe a new reward or a stretch goal and not wait until the last week.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Don't feed the trolls. "Acknowledge" counts as feeding. Expect shenanigans the month long. Ignore them. Focus energy instead on getting the word out to legitimate funders and let the toddlers have their fun.


Apr 7, 2014
What exactly does he get out of this? Once the actually KS is actually successfully funded.. will that make him feel sad?

I have no idea, but he makes it so obvious. He not only asks about me on the KS page, but he creates an account in my friend's name and then tries to say I'm being "paranoid". The guy has the IQ of a chia pet. (UPDATE: Now he just changed the account name to "Mikey Morse". Hmmmm, I guess I wasn't so "paranoid" after all. lol)

I've also already gotten more spam Facebook messages from him this morning, telling me he'll "Never stop", and then he goes on more of his "Failsight" rants. I just delete his messages, block his account, report him to Farsight, and the cycle will continue some more. Like I said, he's been at this for a while now. I'm just glad Farsight is onto him. I feel bad for the FB guy, because I know I've personally blocked at least 20 of his fake FB accounts, I can only imagine how many the FB guy has had to deal with. I guess he's been at this since day 1.

I guess I've irritated him by outing him to everyone here who didn't know him.

Don't feed the trolls. "Acknowledge" counts as feeding. Expect shenanigans the month long. Ignore them. Focus energy instead on getting the word out to legitimate funders and let the toddlers have their fun.

Yeah, my bad. :(
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