The On-Going "What has FarSight said about ___ table?" List Thread

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
There aren't any. Someone brought it up apparently, and the answer was no because they are afraid of the potential difficulties in the rights.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
There aren't any. Someone brought it up apparently, and the answer was no because they are afraid of the potential difficulties in the rights.

Also, Gilligan's Island is a terrible pinball table, if what I've heard and seen is true. This hasn't necessarily stopped FS in the past (*cough* Goin' Nuts *cough* Harley-Davidson *cough*), but unless FS revert to 2 tables/month at some point, I think it'll be a long time before Gilligan's Island hits TPA.


Apr 7, 2014
Also, Gilligan's Island is a terrible pinball table, if what I've heard and seen is true. This hasn't necessarily stopped FS in the past (*cough* Goin' Nuts *cough* Harley-Davidson *cough*), but unless FS revert to 2 tables/month at some point, I think it'll be a long time before Gilligan's Island hits TPA.

*Cough* Centaur & El Dorado *Cough*

I'll take "Gilligan's Island" anyday over those two stinkers.

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
Gilligan's Island is also good for beginners, as it's extremely clear and straightforward, and it's easy and undemanding. It's one of the three I always recommend for someone who has never played pinball before but want to try (the other two being Family Guy/Shrek and Spider Man (Stern)). I had found this table about a month into me getting into pinball, and I took quite a liking for it, as it was the only table where I could feel some sense of progression. I don't like it quite as much as I used to, but it definitely confirmed for me that this is meant for beginners.

Doesn't mean it's that well-suited for Pinball Arcade, but hey, bringing in fresh blood is always a good thing.


Apr 7, 2014
Gilligan's Island is also good for beginners, as it's extremely clear and straightforward, and it's easy and undemanding. It's one of the three I always recommend for someone who has never played pinball before but want to try (the other two being Family Guy/Shrek and Spider Man (Stern)). I had found this table about a month into me getting into pinball, and I took quite a liking for it, as it was the only table where I could feel some sense of progression. I don't like it quite as much as I used to, but it definitely confirmed for me that this is meant for beginners.

Doesn't mean it's that well-suited for Pinball Arcade, but hey, bringing in fresh blood is always a good thing.

There is no table easier than "South Park".

My little nephews have played that one straight for nearly an hour, it's THAT easy.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Hey guys, I started a new thread here so we can continue this line of thought without completely hijacking this thread. It's a good topic and I'm enjoying reading everyone's thoughts.

Cya in the other thread.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Kickstarter wouldn't necessarily just have to be for expensive licensed tables. It might also work for the tables "nobody" wants. Like all those EM Gottliebs without licenses. Wouldn't take a lot of money to make those look sweeter, and a KS might offset the risk to Farsight. Could even be a package deal, a Kickstarter for like 5 EM tables or something.

At least then those of us who want those tables might have a way to speak up (and show with money) that they're worth inclusion, and they wouldn't have to sell gobs of them to make them worthwhile (which is why we're not likely to see them ever in normal release).

It'd be worth doing at least once, see if support is there. If not, then I guess we'd know and have to accept it. But right now there's zero love for lots of these classic tables, and no way at all for people who appreciate them to voice any opinion of support. One Kickstarter, just one, might just be chance enough to prove there's enough love left to add a few more to the stable. Anybody who doesn't want them could simply not buy them, and I can't really see how they'd have legitimate grounds to gripe about it.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'd kick in for sure. Love that whole late EM early SS era. Could easily pick ten pins I would love to see included in that.
But there would be a huge backlash. I can see the forum and Facebook posts in my head.

You guys start a kickstarter for these unlicensed dinosaur tables that no one wants, where's Indian Jones?

I love the idea though. Maybe one of our insiders can float the idea at Bobby King and see what he thinks?


New member
Sep 9, 2013
It wouldn't be a kickstarter though. Kickstarters raise funds for something that would otherwise not be funded. Farsight have nothing to "fund" for this, they have all the rights and have proved they can afford the dev costs. A kickstarter of this form would be exactly why I don't like the platform - it would just be a glorified pre-order system.

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
Thanks for splitting the topic off. I was feeling kindof bad for diverting this thread as it was.

How popular are EM tables here compared to the other ones? It looks like they don't sell as well, but usually, they're a lot cheaper to buy. For instance, i'd like to see Jack in the Box on The Pinball Arcade, and an excellent-condition one is $700.

When the mainstream thinks of pinball, they think of EM tables like these, so the demand must be there. So maybe one of two things ought to happen: Either EM tables are sold at a lower price (not that much lower, maybe $4 or $3.50) to attract the people who don't really want to pay $5 for one or two tables; or be patient as, after the digitization of the machine, there's presumably very little cost after that, and they can claim the money coming in from purchases.

Either way, I don't think a Kickstarter is necessary. You can't be too dependent on Kickstarters, or they will turn against you. The idea is that if you keep turning to Kickstarter for help, they will figure you're not doing too well as a business, and the world of business is a cruel one where one mistake can ruin you. Kickstarter is not a safety net. It's a way to get you started as a company.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Thanks for splitting the topic off. I was feeling kindof bad for diverting this thread as it was.

How popular are EM tables here compared to the other ones? It looks like they don't sell as well, but usually, they're a lot cheaper to buy. For instance, i'd like to see Jack in the Box on The Pinball Arcade, and an excellent-condition one is $700.

When the mainstream thinks of pinball, they think of EM tables like these, so the demand must be there. So maybe one of two things ought to happen: Either EM tables are sold at a lower price (not that much lower, maybe $4 or $3.50) to attract the people who don't really want to pay $5 for one or two tables; or be patient as, after the digitization of the machine, there's presumably very little cost after that, and they can claim the money coming in from purchases.

Either way, I don't think a Kickstarter is necessary. You can't be too dependent on Kickstarters, or they will turn against you. The idea is that if you keep turning to Kickstarter for help, they will figure you're not doing too well as a business, and the world of business is a cruel one where one mistake can ruin you. Kickstarter is not a safety net. It's a way to get you started as a company.

I wouldn't mind seeing a pre-order for an EM or early SS table(s) where if they make the goal it will be produced by a certain date and if not everyone gets a refund. While that sounds like a kickstarter, it could just be handled in house. Pre-orders could be coded to your login credentials and then anyone else can buy the game. Have it be independent of the season games, too! That way nobody feels ripped off if they get something that they feel is underwhelming.

Rudy hates me

New member
Jan 13, 2014
I wouldn't mind seeing a pre-order for an EM or early SS table(s) where if they make the goal it will be produced by a certain date and if not everyone gets a refund. While that sounds like a kickstarter, it could just be handled in house. Pre-orders could be coded to your login credentials and then anyone else can buy the game. Have it be independent of the season games, too! That way nobody feels ripped off if they get something that they feel is underwhelming.

Now that there's some good thinking.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I wouldn't mind seeing a pre-order for an EM or early SS table(s) where if they make the goal it will be produced by a certain date and if not everyone gets a refund. While that sounds like a kickstarter, it could just be handled in house. Pre-orders could be coded to your login credentials and then anyone else can buy the game. Have it be independent of the season games, too! That way nobody feels ripped off if they get something that they feel is underwhelming.

I like it Bowflex. Put me down for 3 seasons worth.

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
That would definitely be interesting to see what comes of that.

Remember that there are no refunds on Kickstarter. Backers know this, so they are VERY wary of anything they might want to support, especially from companies they feel has burned them in the past.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
FS made some positive Facebook comments regrading Cyclone and Safe Cracker recently.
That's usually a good sign.


Apr 7, 2014
FS made some positive Facebook comments regrading Cyclone and Safe Cracker recently.
That's usually a good sign.

Yup! :)

Here's my guess for Season 4:

Season 4

1. Phantom of the Opera
2. Earthshaker
3. The Party Zone
4. The Getaway: High Speed II
5. Jack*Bot
6. Red & Ted's Roadshow
7. Safe Cracker
8. The Addams Family
9. Cyclone
10. Bone Busters or Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yup! :)

Here's my guess for Season 4:

Season 4

1. Phantom of the Opera
2. Earthshaker
3. The Party Zone
4. The Getaway: High Speed II
5. Jack*Bot
6. Red & Ted's Roadshow
7. Safe Cracker
8. The Addams Family
9. Cyclone
10. Bone Busters or Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street

Sounds like a good season to me! That would pretty much take care of all my "must have's" except for Banzai Run, which is really more of a would like to have if I'm being completely honest with myself. Only one problem with that list Stern. They won't go an entire season without one, so which table gets bumped and which Stern would get put in?

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