Best table to practice tilting?


New member
Sep 4, 2014
Growing up, I was the person that never shook the machine because I was afraid something bad was going to happen (stupid, I know). I only really started to use this ability during pinball games when I started playing them on the computer. I always think too late to do it while playing on my laptop (or in real life, actually). I have all the available games and was curious if there was a particular game that would be great to practice on.

Feel free to throw in any other skills directly linked to tables too if you like.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Believe me, I used to think that, too. Now I can shake whenever, but I need to have limits and patience. I wouldn't recommend a specific table, but rather practice on nudging the table.

Also, consider checking out PAPA if you want to practice shaking a real machine.


New member
Sep 4, 2014
I wish there were enough real ones near me that that was a possibility. I thought of this because I recently remembered someone on here mentioning a couple tables they use to practice certain skills. Wish I had paid more attention at the time. There are only a handful of tables near me, unfortunately. I'm a vaper and right next to my favorite vape shop is a bar that has AC/DC. **** is pretty awesome.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
What Brakel is saying etchie, is you want to practice "nudging" whilst avoiding "tilting".


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Centaur is another good one. Mainly because it's not 100 miles per hour the whole time. Also, instead of waiting for the ball to roll back up into the playfield, give it a little nudge. This is pretty easy to do during multiball too. So while you're practicing nudging, you can also get better at multiball. ...
...maybe true RS, but it also requires you to not be near a weapon of any kind
Apr 8, 2012
I think Medieval Madness is a good table to practice nudging on. Just go for castles exclusively and practice nudging to get the ball safely back on the flippers after each shot.

Also, along the lines of Central Park and Big Shot, is Gorgar since it's an early solid state with no ramps, bells, or whistles to keep the ball relatively safe.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Personally it's a skill that I picked up naturally. I used it where necessary on every table I played, and it eventually became a habit for me.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Just recently I bought my first real pin (NBA fastbreak), and in a particular good game found myself touching the glass to nudge it.... :) Thank you Farsight for programming my brain!
That said, I also think Big Shot and Central Park are good practice tables, but my nudging went up a notch after I played BS Dracula a while. Probably the combination of game/ball speed, the gap between those lightning flippers and evil outlanes. Nudge or die for short.... :)


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Just recently I bought my first real pin (NBA fastbreak), and in a particular good game found myself touching the glass to nudge it.... :) Thank you Farsight for programming my brain!
That said, I also think Big Shot and Central Park are good practice tables, but my nudging went up a notch after I played BS Dracula a while. Probably the combination of game/ball speed, the gap between those lightning flippers and evil outlanes. Nudge or die for short.... :)

Often when I'm watching other people play TPA on Youtube or whatever, I find my whole body twitches left or right when they should nudge. It's instinct.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Etchie... Not to overload you or anything, but you can nudge the ball to a trap coming from the inlane. Just hold the flipper use your other hand to nudge on the same side. Has to be at the right moment though. I only just started doing this when BSD came out. It helps a lot in order to start mist multiball. I wouldn't recommend practicing it on this table though

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