Request General Wish List Thread


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I don't know whether it's really a "request" if it's just for another table (or three) but would anyone think that either of the WMS Superpin games are out of the question? I'm sure Road Show is probably a given due to the lack of licensing required, but I'd kill for some phat STTNG, Indy or TZ action. Probably the Star Trek table more than the others, I think. Richie + insane sound + widebody = so much win.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Not only do I want online multiplayer, I want turn based game play as it is in real life. I loose a ball, my opponent goes, I watch them as they play their ball, they watch me when it's my turn ... I want speach and video chat as well.

I hope they can also add voice chat so you can talk while playing. ZEN Pinball has that, and even an option for a small video chat window.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I would LOVE to see the MS Kinect for Windows supported in the PC version for use in a virtual pinball cabinet. This would allow for head tracking so as I move up and down or side to side, the playfield contents 3D perspective could shift, so they will appear to be real physical objects. That's the one thing that turns me off about virtual pinball cabinets with the existing apps being used--you have to stand in just the right spot, and be just the right height, and don't move, for the rendering to have any illusion of being real. Otherwise, it all comes off as what it is, a flat image.

Here's an example video of what I'm talking about, but using the Nintendo Wii hardware. This same technique can be done with the Kinect or any device with a front-facing camera such as the iPhone or iPad as well.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Oh wow, Kinect head tracking would be perfect! Doesn't necessarily need to be super responsive, but enough to be able to look up and down and where the balls are at different times (IE. the MM skill shot etc.).


Apr 12, 2012
I would like to see the game not "save" after every completed play. If I didn't achieve a high score, what is there to save? Just an annoying delay, obviously not a big deal at all.

Also, how about adding a way to edit your initials in Black Hole? The other games have a way to back up a letter but Black Hole doesn't.


Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Also, how about adding a way to edit your initials in Black Hole? The other games have a way to back up a letter but Black Hole doesn't.

It's also the only game where you can't use LB and RB to enter initials. I would like to see this fixed, as well.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I would like to see multiple controller support for multiplayer like PHOF had. Currently on the ps3 you have to pass the controller around when playing multiplayer. Since 99 percent of the time I'm playing this with my daughter it is a real pain.


Apr 12, 2012
I would like to see multiple controller support for multiplayer like PHOF had. Currently on the ps3 you have to pass the controller around when playing multiplayer. Since 99 percent of the time I'm playing this with my daughter it is a real pain.
I rarely do multiplayer but I will second this suggestion. Definitely should be in-place.


George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I agree on the multiple controller thing, not as easy to pass around when you're all sitting on different furniture.

On another note, am I the only one bothered by the letter selection sounds when entering your initials? I really dislike hearing the Farsight sound when I move left or right over top the actual tables' letter choosing sound effect. Especially on MM and TOTAN, their sounds are cool on a good sound system but ruined with the Farsight sound.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Here's one that just occured to me on a record TOTAN game, on a 200.000 x 3 lamp bonus multiball, my controller ran out of juice, draining all 3 balls without even getting one shot off. Now this is totally on my head, and I had to, and still am laughing about it (the fact I already broke the 200 million mark and beat my old highscore helped in the "lolz" department). Typing this as my controller is plugged back in, charging for the final ball (my screen is a few feet away from my ps3)

But please, automatically pause the game when it loses connection to a controller ;)


Apr 12, 2012
I'd like the games to not automatically save after you complete - even when no high score or anything was achieved. Just save when something needs to be saved.


Tony C

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I agree on the multiple controller thing, not as easy to pass around when you're all sitting on different furniture.

On another note, am I the only one bothered by the letter selection sounds when entering your initials? I really dislike hearing the Farsight sound when I move left or right over top the actual tables' letter choosing sound effect. Especially on MM and TOTAN, their sounds are cool on a good sound system but ruined with the Farsight sound.

One of the tables (I think it's TotAN) the sound is the FS sound going one way and the flipper sound going the other. I was going to post about that but figured someone at FS had noticed and just hadn't updated it yet since it was pretty minor compared to some of the other things on the list.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
hey guys, just to let you know: I cannot find the time to update the first post with the new requests at the moment, so it'll have to wait for a while. I'll try to add all the new stuff asap...


New member
Apr 4, 2012
A possible idea I would like in the future is the option to add "mods" to the tables. I recently had the chance to play a modded "creature from the black lagoon" table with strobe tubing around the ramp, CV shows that this is possible even on Android, so it would be cool if we could customize our tables to our liking, maybe we could even change the colour of the tubing and bulb's/rubber's.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I don't know how to say this the right way, but I hope Farsight uses some of the funds from Kickstarter to hire more staff (and some more experienced staff) if they get enough funds. I keep hearing the bugs will go away eventually, but given Farsight's track record, I'm skeptical. Even PHoF for 360 and PS3 has some major bugs, a few of which have been around since the PSP, Wii, and PS2 versions. I understand they are extremely busy and are working on many versions, but I think they need some serious help before the game will be able to be more polished. Also, major bugs like the nudging that doesn't work consistantly on mobile platforms, requiring you to tilt left to tilt right and vice versa, shouldn't have been there in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love the work Farsight is done on Pinball Arcade and PHoF, but past games have me a bit skeptical.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
A possible idea I would like in the future is the option to add "mods" to the tables. I recently had the chance to play a modded "creature from the black lagoon" table with strobe tubing around the ramp, CV shows that this is possible even on Android, so it would be cool if we could customize our tables to our liking, maybe we could even change the colour of the tubing and bulb's/rubber's.

Don't know about such complex custom mods, but simpler ones like changing the color of the neon, or the giant ball (in CV), should be within the realm of possibility, and are quite common on real machines.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I don't know how to say this the right way, but I hope Farsight uses some of the funds from Kickstarter to hire more staff (and some more experienced staff) if they get enough funds. I keep hearing the bugs will go away eventually, but given Farsight's track record, I'm skeptical. Even PHoF for 360 and PS3 has some major bugs, a few of which have been around since the PSP, Wii, and PS2 versions. I understand they are extremely busy and are working on many versions, but I think they need some serious help before the game will be able to be more polished. Also, major bugs like the nudging that doesn't work consistantly on mobile platforms, requiring you to tilt left to tilt right and vice versa, shouldn't have been there in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love the work Farsight is done on Pinball Arcade and PHoF, but past games have me a bit skeptical.

Don't count your chickens on KS-as not a third of the way there yet.
Plus this is meant to be licence $ only-Not fair on KS contributors to use for another purpose.
Plus-even if they used WHOLE $55K for staff....what would that GET?

Don't get me wrong though-I *100%* agree on them doing a perfect job.
As when they OWN all the licences with OUR help who else can do it 'legally'.
I know the TZ KS has got a kicking on VPF-But THOSE guys have been doing it out of LOVE for years.


Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
A pretty minor request in the grand scheme of things, and it certainly can wait until more important things are taken care of, but it would be nice to have the ability to adjust the outlane posts on the tables that have adjustable outlanes. Obviously a narrower-than-default setting would disqualify goals/leaderboards. Would add challenge for those who feel certain tables are too easy (even CV gets somewhat interesting once its outlanes are fully open) as well as allow more casual players a chance to tone down some of the crueler tables.


New member
May 24, 2012
I know some people have mentioned having a cabinet mode for the PC version. But I think it would be nice to have the same mode apply to the PS3 and XBOX 360. That way if your building a table it would be cheaper than building a high end PC. Just a thought!

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