Lethal Weapon 3 Kickstarter


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I find it hard to believe that FarSight would need a kickstarter for anything short of LoTR or TSPP. Especially if they're making enough money with game sales.

Or are they?.......


New member
Jan 7, 2015
I didn't mean it in a negative way but I can see it came off that way, I was just saying I love Demolition Man but it has a very similar design to T2. Still love all three games though, I just didn't understand the hate for one over the other is all. Apologies for that. :)


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Fun topic, but I hate threads that have titles that seems to promise the real thing and end up being a wish or request. So when I read Lethal Weapon Kickstarter, my first reaction was "how in the hell did I miss that one?". So please put in a pre-fix thingy like 'request' before posting a thread like this.....


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I love Demolition Man but it has a very similar design to T2.

No it doesn't. They just look similar visually because they use the same triangle and circle lamp inserts and gun handle, and they're both licensed from explodey sci-fi movies. They're totally different in terms of ruleset and layout. T2 is an overgrown System 11 with a multiball and one linear sequence of awards and that's it. Demo Man has a full-blown modern structure of modes and many multiballs and a wizard mode.
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
No it doesn't. They just look similar visually because they use the same triangle and circle lamp inserts and gun handle, and they're both licensed from explodey sci-fi movies. They're totally different in terms of ruleset and layout. T2 is an overgrown System 11 with a multiball and one linear sequence of awards and that's it. Demo Man has a full-blown modern structure of modes and many multiballs and a wizard mode.

Demo Man is also a widebody, T2 isn't.

Demo Man has a Centaur-like captive ball lane in vaguely the same place as the mystery award/lock hole is on T2 (can't remember the proper name for it).

Demo Man has this giant moving claw/ball magnet thing that you can move with the flippers, T2 doesn't have anything like that. It has a skull with a single drop-target.

Demo Man has a top-left flipper and a bunch of ramps in the middle that aren't present on T2. T2 has left and right ramps, and that's it.

And do I need to mention Sly Stallone (and Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock) vs Arnie on the backglass...?

But they are both Williams pinballs based on movies, so there's that.

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