Pinball After Dark

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I think it is real, but I doubt if we see anything for a loooong time.
FS recently said that their number one priority is getting TPA tables out, so other projects, such as PAD and cabinet support, are being worked on, but given lower priorities. I imagine PAD will not be a monthly release thing, but will only contain a handful of tables too hot for TPA.


Apr 7, 2014
It seems like most adults don't care if kids play blackjack or poker as long as they aren't gambling actual money.

As a father, I don't see anything wrong with kids playing poker or Blackjack. I certainly grew up playing both, and I'm the least gambling person you'll ever meet. lol


New member
Jun 30, 2013
As a father, I don't see anything wrong with kids playing poker or Blackjack. I certainly grew up playing both, and I'm the least gambling person you'll ever meet. lol
LOL. I remember stuffing Aces up my sleeve playing poker and gambling with Monopoly money in fifth grade. Bad weather indoors recess. If I found an Ace with an otherwise crap hand, I'd hide it away, discard two cards, and ask to draw three. I finally got busted when I laid down five Aces!

Tattle told the teacher I cheated and demanded I fork over the winnings. Teacher stayed out of it but told us to play nice or she'd confiscate the cards and Monopoly bucks. Then the bell rang and I declared myself the winner. Good times...

For the record, I'm not a gambler and I know enough about statistics to know the house always wins. I've only gambled once in my adult life. My fiance and I went to the riverboat for a rock concert. Afterwords, we ate at the restauant and toured the Casino. I put a dollar into a slot machine; cashed out with $4.20 Beginner's luck? Anyway, I stopped while I was ahead...:rolleyes:

Back on topic, gambling sims have been made for game consoles since forever. Besides, High Roller Casino isn't even simulated gambling; it's just a gambling themed pinball.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Honestly I was surprised to see High Roller Casino in the regular game. Simply because gambling theme seemed to equal adult to me, I seemed like something they'd put into Pinball After Dark.

Presumably it will really only be for the machines that won't reach an E10+ rating.

Plus, the "jiggling" lady on the match screen. Not quite Dead or Alive-ish, and I'm not sure it's enough to warrent the "after dark" treatment, but still.........


New member
Jun 30, 2013
With so many games having DLC, I wonder if the ESRB will make it possible to rate DLC content separately from the main program. I can see this being an issue in many other games, not just TPA.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Pinball After Dark is a rumor, a myth, a legend. Where there is Bigfoot, there is PAD. The Lochness Monster plays PAD. PAD is what pigs fly to.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Well Xenon was heralded as the poster table for Pinball After Dark, and is now confirmed as a TPA release. I'm assuming they will tweak the plyfield much to my dissatisfaction, but what's to be done? Until the ESRB starts allowing differential ratings for DLC packs (Example, main game could be E10, with DLC ranging from Everyone to Teen) it's gonna cramp TPA's style.

PAD could be incorporated into TPA by allowing M rated table packs to be downloaded. So the M rated table packs like Tales from the Crypt et al could enable parental blocks, ie input the parental controls pin to play said table. concerned parents could simply choose not to download the "mature" packs.

Or do like Zen which has a separate app for Star Wars tables.

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