The Random Thought Thread


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
The Masters golf tournament starts today. I always enjoy watching that. Such a beautiful and interesting golf course.
I may even play Augusta on my PS3 today to celebrate.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Let's go Lakers!


When do they draw the ping pong balls for the draft? Never had to care before! For that matter, basketball being done for us in April is truly a rare experience.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
it's 4:20am
he wonders when the last time that he slept
he remembers 2:15am
but then was he really asleep
or had he just been in the area in-between
the demiliterized zone between awake and asleep
he remembers how it used to be
and then a round of pain shoots through him like mortars in the night
and he forgets everything
except why he doesn't keep guns in the house
but everyone has their burdens and this one is his
at least he has that
no name or cause but at least he can call it his
what's that
what was he remembering
the way it was
before his burden moved in
his brother always said it was like a Jedi mind trick
the way he could turn it on and off
like a light switch
turn his head and he could sleep within a minute
he can still do it
when the pain doesn't shoot through his wretched body
too young to be old
too old to be young
he throws on a T
and heads down the stairs
there's a reason he doesn't keep it up there
he takes an old glass from the shelf
two fingers of Doctor Jack's Magic Elixir
he orders from the barkeep in mind only
a sip to warn the pallet
and the rest flows
his belly is already warm as he lays down
he hears the robin's morning chirp
as his burden drifts away
he soon follows
tomorrow will be soon enough
for another battle


New member
Sep 18, 2012



today when I needed it, my phone decided to play it's game of "i'm going to **** with you" by showing a fully charged battery as dead 20 minutes after I left the house. Yet somehow several hours later I turn it on for ****s 'n giggles and the battery is showing as full. Ordered a Nexus 5 when I got home.

Made the day of taking my Grandmother to her Drs appointments and meeting my mum at the train station mid way there a bit inconvenient as far as timing goes when you cannot check in with any one and you have to hope that everyone made the appropriate connections.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
The Pinball Arcade
This time we let the fans choose an upcoming Season Three table! We are very excited to let everyone know that Diner™ by Williams® is the winner!
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Jon Brakel

Jon Brakel Now let the facebook hordes all ask for "insert pinball machine that they can't live without yet actually will" here.
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hours ago

Yuriy Roman Mokriy Addams Family. There. I met the minimum quota.
Like · 7 hours ago

Mike Morse And here comes the usual worthless comments from the overweight Forum crowd who can't go a day without asking for "Eight Ball Deluxe". lol Get a life, cupcake.
Like · 1 · 6 hours ago

Jamey Madison Brakel, one of the resident goofballs from the Forum.
Like · 1 · 5 hours ago

Jon Brakel That's me! Goofball extraordinaire, reporting for duty!
Like · 5 hours ago

Mike Morse Pretty much.
Like · 12 minutes ago


New member
Apr 27, 2012
"She was born in a barn in 1898. She died on the 37th floor of a skyscraper. She was an astronaut."

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