Table Pack #23 Speculation

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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Its definitely the black knight carrying the lightning bolt in the upper left corner, so that right there points to black knight. But then I started thinking why bother adding 3 other hidden elements to the clue. The rest of the Bk2000 table art is mostly graphic design elements; lightning bolts, stripes, etc. No other characters to speak of so what the heck are those other three clues? Then I started to think what if the black knight is a red herring. We know the identity of 3 of the tables this season which never happens so what if they keep referencing these other tables on purpose to throw us off. Last month the clue was The black knight and a roulette wheel which made us think it was BK2k or Whodunnit. We know now that it was a trick, so what if this months is one as well. The image is way to small for me to make out what those other clues are, but they have to be there for a reason. Thoughts?


New member
Sep 23, 2012
I'm just hoping to see a bigger, clearer version of that clue.

Also, this is the first month in a while that I didn't get the newsletter. Is it posted anywhere?


New member
Apr 21, 2013
This one is a text hint: "Have fun storming the castle!"

Medieval Madness is table of the month.

Black Knight 2000 confirmed

Unless Farsight struck a deal with Alvin G. & Co. to bring Mystery Castle to The Pinball Arcade, Table Pack 23 is probably going to feature Black Knight 2000, although Big Guns and Swords of Fury are also possible candidates.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Sounds about right here's a little something I noticed though.


One of these things is not like the other.

Also notice that, in the clue, there is a silhouette of a horse in the hole in the castle where the treasure is.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Unless Farsight struck a deal with Alvin G. & Co. to bring Mystery Castle to The Pinball Arcade, Table Pack 23 is probably going to feature Black Knight 2000, although Big Guns and Swords of Fury are also possible candidates.

I highly doubt it's either of those. They just aren't popular enough titles for them to "surprise" us with. Black Rose was unexpected based on last month's clue, but it was at least highly requested and wasn't out of left field.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Does anyone think that it is possible that some of the crap photoshopped into the MM back glass is actually Sorcerer crap and that we may be receiving our last double table pack (bk2000 and sorcerer)


New member
Sep 18, 2012
1st thought: Enhance.
2nd thought: Ok, it's Sorcerer. However the upper left thing look like a Knight helmet.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Does anyone think that it is possible that some of the crap photoshopped into the MM back glass is actually Sorcerer crap and that we may be receiving our last double table pack (bk2000 and sorcerer)

I doubt it. FS said on their Facebook page that when they renewed the Williams license that they traded Sorcerer for Fish Tales. At this point, I'd say that Sorcerer is pretty much not going to happen for quite a long time.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I doubt it. FS said on their Facebook page that when they renewed the Williams license that they traded Sorcerer for Fish Tales. At this point, I'd say that Sorcerer is pretty much not going to happen for quite a long time.

No, that was BEFORE they renewed.

All that means is that their last available WMS license went to FT instead of Sorcerer. They have a limited number of tables they can recreate by WMS, but those specific games don't matter.

Since they renewed their WMS license deal, they can make Sorcerer if they wanted to.

That said, the next table is almost certainly BK2K.
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