Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Yep they did. Which is a good thing. And they already said extra funds for ttwo will be forwarded to the adams family, if they can get all licenses right.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Yep they did. Which is a good thing. And they already said extra funds for ttwo will be forwarded to the adams family, if they can get all licenses right.

That's not what they said. They said they would "like" to pursue. Doesn't mean they'll be able to. I read it as hopefully, be definitly.


Jul 7, 2012
Nothing on the official Pinball Arcade website about this Kickstarter, although it looks like that hasn't been updated since about Feb. Or on Farsights website, although that looks like it hasn't been updated since about 2011.

So almost 1 week in, the only official communication about this kickstarter is 1 post to their 16,000 facebook followers? And a couple of thankyou comments on the kickstarter page? Was this really all it took the last two times to get the others funded?

To be fair other then getting some press from big gaming websites such as IGN, Kotaku, Gamespot etc I'm not 100% sure what else they could do and it must be difficult to get an article from them.

I noticed a lot of complaints about no updates on the kickstarter page itself, but I guess Farsght aren't going to start archiving it unless they know for sure it's not a waste of time so to speak, so other then linking to youtube clips or something what else could they update us on?

The ultimate would be Arnie himself recommending the game like Elvira. That would be awesome.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'd like to see Farsight posting lots of stuff on their Facebook page to ramp up interest with the 16,000 followers! Surely they can do some more videos or screen shots......anything to keep people interested.

I just tweeted Arnold Schwarzenegger asking if he could help promote the kickstarter........
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Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Now there are actually people pledging $1 so they can complain about the fulfillment from the previous kickstarters. Great.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
tweeted James Cameron too......... worth a shot.

Cameron could sneeze the entire fund for this campaign without so much as blinking. And yes, it's worth a shot. Tweet Robert Patrick, he's on the table too. I know the comic Jim Jeffries, who stars in that show 'Legit', he's a huge pinball nut and would be worth a tweet. I don't do Twitter, otherwise I'd do these myself. I'd say if you know of a celeb on Twitter that actually interacts with fans, go after them to see if they'll forward the link. Nathon Fillion is a huge gamer with a large following, or go after geek culture celebs like Will Wheaton or Seth Green. I'm just sayin', the people directly related to the table aren't the only ones you should target, but good on you for targeting them anyways!


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I'd like to see Farsight posting lots of stuff on their Facebook page to ramp up interest with the 16,000 followers! Surely they can do some more videos or screen shots......anything to keep people interested.

Yes, I just don't understand why they aren't even trying to hype this up on this facebook page.

Farsight, where are you!? You need to participate to make this work!


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Now there are actually people pledging $1 so they can complain about the fulfillment from the previous kickstarters. Great.

A few of those one dollar donations from my friends who don't play pinball but know how much good TPA AND PAF has done for my outlook on life. They care for me and want to see me continue to be happy.

If we could somehow get 30,000 people to pledge one buck/dollar the KS would almost be funded. Beg your friends to give a buck even if they don't like pinball.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Just wanted to say I've read the last two pages and you guys are awesome. That is all.

I think the 360 userbase must be hurting them the most. Truth is majority of Americans and UK game on that system and not having that support has got to be hurting. Assurance, again, from Farsight about 360 in the KS section might address that, then again IDK...


I have really mixed feelings about the premium table packs being included in the season pass subscriptions.

TZ and ST:TNG are included in Season 1, and if it is successful, T2 will be a part of season2. Which means that any season 2 pre buys have, in essence, already paid for the table pack.

I had thought that the reason these tables were Premium table packs was because of the license costs and that they needed to be sold as such. By putting them in the season pass bundles they have been devalued and it makes the whole required KS issue a very, very hard sell.

It would have made more sense, imo, from a marketing perspective to use the quick cash influx from the season pass subscription model on iOS and Android to fund T2, then when Ouya, PC, Xbox, PS4, Wii U etc all go live there is yet another potential cash influx and save the KS's for the really big name AAA tables like Adams Family, Indiana Jones, Simpsons or Family Guy etc with an eye to how they are received.

I worry that this KS will not happen and there will be a diminished confidence in FS's ability to produce licensed products for TPA, even though it is sort of a symbiotic relationship with the fans right now. They/we want to see/play these big license tables, but at the same time is there enough desire to back them as well as purchase them, or will/can the market bear an actual premium price for premium licenses? $10-20+ for a single licensed table?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
If we could somehow get 30,000 people to pledge one buck/dollar the KS would almost be funded. Beg your friends to give a buck even if they don't like pinball.

And that's what I'm saying. There has to be way more than 30,000 people on mobiles alone that have downloaded this game. FarSight needs to target them as they are the largest user base. It's the whole 'feed a kid for a month on 1 dollar a day' deal. Quick, somebody call Sally Struthers!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Usually the newsletter comes out on the same day as the iOS release. (Hopefully tomorrow). I'm sure the kickstarter will get a mention in that.
Needs to get a mention in the app itself as well. That's happened before with TPA on iOS, hasn't it? I can only assume that it would generate a massive bump in backers. Perhaps that's why we haven't seen the most recent update yet... they held off on submitting to apple until their KS officially went live? Would explain why it's about a week off what it normally is.

I have really mixed feelings about the premium table packs being included in the season pass subscriptions.

TZ and ST:TNG are included in Season 1, and if it is successful, T2 will be a part of season2. Which means that any season 2 pre buys have, in essence, already paid for the table pack.

I had thought that the reason these tables were Premium table packs was because of the license costs and that they needed to be sold as such. By putting them in the season pass bundles they have been devalued and it makes the whole required KS issue a very, very hard sell.

It would have made more sense, imo, from a marketing perspective to use the quick cash influx from the season pass subscription model on iOS and Android to fund T2, then when Ouya, PC, Xbox, PS4, Wii U etc all go live there is yet another potential cash influx and save the KS's for the really big name AAA tables like Adams Family, Indiana Jones, Simpsons or Family Guy etc with an eye to how they are received.

I worry that this KS will not happen and there will be a diminished confidence in FS's ability to produce licensed products for TPA, even though it is sort of a symbiotic relationship with the fans right now. They/we want to see/play these big license tables, but at the same time is there enough desire to back them as well as purchase them, or will/can the market bear an actual premium price for premium licenses? $10-20+ for a single licensed table?
That all makes a hell of a lot of sense. To be honest, I didn't realise the premium tables like TZ and TNG were included in the season bundles... I thought they would've been separate as well! It makes sense for FS to leave them out so they can cover their own costs and even potentially contribute to licensing for future KS titles. When they bundle them together, they have no record of how much more money these tables have made by being premium.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I had thought that the reason these tables were Premium table packs was because of the license costs and that they needed to be sold as such. By putting them in the season pass bundles they have been devalued and it makes the whole required KS issue a very, very hard sell.

No, the license cost is paid for by the Kickstarter. However, with each premium table sold, a percentage of that goes towards residuals of the license holders. Therefore, it makes sense to charge $5 for one table, as essentially half is going to be paid out, leaving the other half for FarSight, which would be the same revenue they could expect from any other table.

Remember, WE are the one's who have labeled these 'premium'. FS just calls it 'Table pack XX'. The average customer is not going to know a thing about the table having been partly crowd source funded, especially a year or so from now. I don't see a problem with them being included in the season packs, and buying a season is kinda like subscribing to a magazine...you get the discount, the magazine is able to guarantee a certain number of readers for their advertisers. If FS wants to go after other licenses, knowing a season is presold to x number of people, they can actually guarantee a dollar amount the license holder will indeed collect, which might make them more amenable to what their fee might be.

Let's not hold these tables up on some pedestal that only the true believers can dare touch. Kickstart is for belief in the project, and the rewards are pure gravy. Should the gravy slop onto those that didn't contribute, be happy for them. Your joy is supposed to come from knowing you helped make it all possible to begin with. If you wanna hold anything over other people's heads, it should be that.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
If the premium tables were labeled separately, as I originally had them labeled, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Terminator 2 should be Premium Table Add-On #3 which means that none of the premium tables would be included in the Season Table Packs and would have to be purchased separately. Now, those who purchased the Season Two Table Pack, more than likely won't pledge since they know they are already guaranteed the get the table if it's funded and probably don't care if it gets funded or not.

These premium table kickstarters should be run as a preorders, giving those who pledge (preorder) $5 the Pro version of T2 on a single platform of their choice and those who pledge (preorder) $10 the Pro version of T2 on a single platform of their choice, custom ball and entry into the backers only tournament and they need to advertise this "preorder" in their latest platform updates. I know this isn't the purpose of a kickstarter, but the casual gamers would eat up a deal like this and get the kickstarters funded (and possibly over-funded) in no time.

Just my two cents.


Oct 29, 2012
To generate some interest maybe as a stretch goal they could raffle off their actual T2 pin used to create the simulation to all the $10 and greater donations. Say, if they get $75K they will box up and send the machine to one lucky winner after FarSight is done with the table. I'm guessing once they digitize it that it's only a matter of physics and tweaks after that....heck, if they get $75K they could always buy another one if push came to shove. Just trying to think outside the box.
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